chapter 8 finding the truth to gone

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A better life

Chapter 8

Emma POV

I slowly walk down stairs listening to what dad was saying

I know it’s wrong but he said my name

“Rose she had 3 cuts about 3 inches long across her right wrist”

Oh no

He saw


“We need to send her there she can’t go like this she is going to kill herself” dad says sounding near tears

“I agree” rose says

Send me where?

There not sending be back to the adopted home are they?

They can’t!

Well they can but I don’t wanna go back

I can snapped out my thought by “Emma are you gonna come down?”

Which was dad shouting?

I sigh and walk downstairs and sit between mum and dad

They both put arms around me and smile at me

Man this has got to be bad

“So...” I say trying to get someone to talk about where I am being sent to

“Emma you know we love you so much” he says

I nod

He carries on

“We want you to be safe and happy so we are sending you into a hospital where they help young girl and boys who are going through what you’re going”

I nod

It’s not that bad

If it with helps me get back on track I will do it

“How long will I be there for?” I ask

“Well they will see how you are doing when your fully better you can come home” he says hugging me

“Ok” I say happy

If you’re confused when I was  4 or 5 I can’t remember I was put in one of through hospitals for a month it was so good and fun

All we did was play games and have a good time

So I’m not worried

“When do I go?” I ask

“We are not sure yep but you have to go back to school on Monday ok?”

“Yep” I say popping the P

Its Friday by the way

“Dad?” I ask

“Yeah bug?”

I giggle at his new nick name for me

“Can I go to the park with Reece he said needs to speak to me?”

He nods

I thank him run upstairs to get ready 

I change into some jeans and a nice top with my pink converse   

I grab my phone and go out

The walk to the park is short so I get there within of 5 minutes of leaving 

I walk over to the playground where I first met Reece

I smile

Flash back---

I sitting there crying on one of the wings were I heard footsteps walking over to me

"Karl goes away and leaves me alone I say thinking it was Karl

Whenever I'm upset or scared he would be the one to confect me

"Hey I'm Reece" someone said next to me

I look up at where the voice was coming voice and smile

A boy looking about my age was looking at me. He had blond short hair and brown puppy dog eyes.

"Hi I'm Emma" I said as the tears stopped

"Why were you crying Emma? He said

"Uhhh... I'm being adopted today"

"Is that good thought" he said looking confused

I sigh "yeah but everyone is unhappy now I'm being adopted£

"Ohhh like who?"

"Emm my sister and brother, my best friend and my social worker Jacky"

"Should they not be happy for you seen you're getting another family to care for you"

I sigh again "they are happy but they are sad that I am going"

"Ok" he said

He looked up at me

"Do you want to go and play in the sand box?"

I smile "sure let's go"

He smiles and takes my hand and walks me to the sand box

We sit down and start playing with the sand

--- End of flashback---

All of a sudden something is placed over my month and everything does black



First cliff hanger of the a better life

What did you think?

Who do you think has taken her?

Question- loves me like that or rock that rock?






3+ comment to update

Love you all xx


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