chapter 12. no!!!!

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a better life

chapter 12

Riker POV

I am on my way to the hospital

rose texted me saying Emma's awake

I knew she would be

as I get to the hospital I go up to her room expecting to find her laying In there safe and sound asleep or talking to someone or even on her phone but I thought wrong

there are lots of doctor s and nusre inn there doing stuff to her

what's wrong with her?

why are they in there?!!?


just as she was getting better

I sit in the waiting with my head in my hands

I have been in this hospital too many time already with Emma

her being hit by that car

her having cancer

her in the fire

her trying to kill her self

now this!


I look up to see rose coning out off her room looking sad

oh my god what had happened now!?!?

if you confused rise is Emma's doctor

she's working right now

she comes and sits by me

and tells me what has been going on

what she says could change my life forever...

Emma POV

as rose letter I was on my phone talking to Emily on Facebook

im not feeling to well

I keep getting this shooting pain across my stomach

as I type to Emily

OMG ready!?! I have missed so much

I get a shooting pain across my stomach AGAIN!!!!

but this time it is the worst it had been

on a scale on 1 to 10

10 being the worts its 200+

I feel my self going in and out of conciseness

I mange to press the help button on the wall which brings me help when there is a energy

I court thus has a energy

I feel like I'm being run over by a truck over and over again

doctors and nurses rush into the room helping me right away

Riker POV

the news was that Emma is pergant

my baby girl is pergant

she was raped and now she is pergant

poor girl

she's 13 and pergant

I'm going to kill the basbard who did this to her!!

how dare he took my daughter like that!!

ugggg I'm so angry right now!!!!!

but I got to take calm

how is Emma going to take it

is she going to want to keep the baby?

what ever she wants to do I'm behind her 100% of the way

Emma POV

they soon get me OK again

they know why I was having such bad pains

mum and dad are  telling me now

I have an feeling its bad

like way bad

but here it goes

"Emma this is hard for us to say...but your pergant"

my mouth drops open

tears come to my eyes and soon are running down my face

I'm pergant!?!

o can't be pergant

I don't want to be as mother

no let me say that again

I want to be a mother someday but not know!!

I'm 13

I have my whole life to live

and I don't want to have a baby by being raped

"i-i d-dont -want a-a bab-y!" I sob in my hands

"hey Emma don't cry if you see don't want it  can get rid of it" dad's says in a calming voice which makes me stop sobbing but still crying

"w-we c-an?"

" yes is that what you want?"

I nod

rose goes off to get some tablket I have to take which will kill the baby

she comes back

I take it

and fall asleep


another chapter for ya

its a bit rushed but I'm writing this half asleep.

what did you thing on the idea of Emma being pergant?






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love you all xx

and good night xx

-Sophie Xx

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