chapter 32

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this chapter is wrote by @RossmyRomeo

A better life

Chapter 32

Reece POV

I don't know how to tell Emma, I'm scared that I'll lose her, I would have never done it was just one moment of not paying attention and I knew it that she also likes me...a little bit I knew it was to late...and I was so stupid to let it happen. I can't watch Emma in her beautiful eyes without to think about how much I would her if I would tell her. I don't know what to do...

Little did I know that it was too late

Riker POV

The past weeks I see  Emma really sad, she won't tell me why...I ask rose if she could speak to know...from women to women...but Emma won't tell her neither. I also asked Reece but he only looked at me and said "s...sorry I have to go" he was weird! I have to speak again with Emma

E=Emma r=Riker

*knocks on Emma's door*

E: come in...

R: hey sweety it's daddy

E: hey dad...what do you want?

R:  why are you so sad?...and now please don't tell me you're OK...because I know you're not!!!

E: dad it's... I don't wanna talk about it right now so...

R: so nothing sweety! I dont want you to do something stupid again like cutting...and yes I knew you cut yourself again because of me not excepting Reece as your boyfriend and I'm really sorry baby!! And *starts to cry a bit* ...I love you too much to see you Suffering sweety! Also when you decide to not tell me now...just promise you won't cut or something like that!!!

E: dad please. Don't cry!!! I love you so much!!! I promise I won't daddy!! It's just I can't talk about it yet ok?

R: OK sweety! Pink I promise? *held out the link I finger*

E: *gigles* yeah pink  Promise daddy...

R: bye sweety *leaves Emma's room*

E: bye daddy

Emma POV

I haven't told daddy why I'm sad because If I would tell him that I found a picture of Reece and a girl kissing, he would kill Reece! *cryes* I lied to daddy With another think...I cut...I know I should and I've with daddy the link I promise, but it Hurt so damn  much what Reece have done to me!! How could he cheat on me like that, I thought he loved me shit!!!?? REECE I USED TO LOVE YOU!!!

i go to my night stand grab my object and climb out my window on to the root


This chapter was written by  @RossmyRomeo

Everyone go follow her

Go and read her Rydellington fan fiction

Why did you run away my love?!

The next chapter with me up as soon as possible

But I have a big big big exam

I got to past it

- Sophie

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