Chapter 4

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Niall's P.O.V.             5 months later

The boys and I were about to head out on another tour. So, I was trying to get everything that Kallie would need packed up and ready to go the next morning. I had already gotten my bags downstairs waiting by the door. Kallie and I were both in her room going through what she needed and what she didn't.


"Yes, Princess?" I asked looking over at her.

"Can I choose which toys to take?"

"Yes, here." I pulled out a big bag that I had for her, Ariel of course. "Use this one for all of them except for the ones you want for the plane ride, okay?" I grabbed her Ariel, Erik, and Melody backpack. "Use this one for the plane toys."

"Okay, Daddy!!!"

She got busy on that while I grabbed a bag and went to her closet, getting all of the clothes she would ever need, plus shoes. When that bag was full I took it downstairs. I went back up to get a smaller bag and went to her bathroom. I got her shampoo and conditioner, hair brush, toothbrush and toothpaste (the spares) her towel, and her bucket of hair bands, bows, bandannas, and put that into the bag. I made sure that I didn't forget anything and when I was sure I took that bag downstairs, telling Kallie to bring her bags down once she was done. My phone started ringing.


"Hey, Ni. Simon wants us to meet him tonight at six at Nando's to meet our new make up girl," Liam said.

"Okay, Kallie and I will be there. Bye Li."

"Bye, Ni."

At 5:30 I went upstairs and got Kallie. And we headed to Nando's. We found the boys and Simon in a corner of the restaurant. We sat down.

"So, where's the new make up artist?" I asked.

"She'll be here in a few minutes," Simon said.

We ordered our drinks and waited for her to get here. We were all talking when all of a sudden Kallie said, "Wow, Daddy look. She's really pretty." I looked to where she was pointing and agreed. The girl was gorgeous. She had long blonde hair, with crystal blue eyes. She was wearing jeans, that fit perfectly, and a pink tank top with a black cardigan.

"Niall, are you okay?"

"Yeah, look at her. She's gorgeous."

She started walking our way and when Simon stood up I knew that  she was the make up artist. Simon greeted her, showing her that she would sit by him, directly across from Kallie.

"Well, lads. This is Asana," Simon said.

"Asana? Wait, that's another name for the goddess Athena," I said.

"Yes, that's where my name comes from actually."

"That's beautiful."

"Thank you."

As the night went on we learned more about Asana. She was from London. She loved doing make up of any sort, and loved children. She was single. She was 21, her birthday was August 8th. She came from a huge family, but the only people she really talked to was her mom and one sister, and her nieces. She loved music. She wanted to travel the world. The one place she wanted to go to was Australia. She could be really immature if she wanted to, but she knew when to be serious. She loved everything about life. And she was super excited to start working with us.

"All right boys, I think it's time everyone went home. You all need to get at least a little bit of rest," Simon said. "At least don't stay up here all night, yeah?" We all nodded and he headed out.

We all ended up leaving in the next hour, Asana, Kallie and I being the last that left. "So, I'll see you tomorrow?" 

"Of course, Niall. Bye Kallie! I can't wait to spend time with you on tour," Asana said, hugging Kallie goodbye. She got in her car and headed back to her place.


"Yes, baby?"

"When am I going to get a mommy?"

I was tucking her into bed when she asked me this question. I was shocked, I mean I knew that she would need a mother figure in her life sooner or later, I just didn't think she would ask about it now.

"I don't know, Princess. I am waiting on the right person to come into our lives and be your mommy."

She nodded and snuggled into her blanket. "I like Asana, Daddy. And I think you like her too."

"She is a very nice person. She'll be good for all of us. Get some sleep, Princess. I love you."

"I love you too, Daddy."

Adopted by Niall HoranDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora