Chapter 2

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Me and the other boys were sitting at Nandos waiting for Niall and his Princess. He texted me telling me that he had adopted a little girl.

"Boys, they're here," Zayn said.

We looked over to see Niall walking in holding a girl that looked about 5 years old. Niall spotted us and walked over.

"Hey lads. Meet Kallie Teagan Horan. Kallie meet your uncles. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Harry," Niall said, looking at Kallie.

"Hi," she said quietly.

"Hey cutie. How are you?" Louis asked.

"Hungry." Which made us all laugh.

"All right, lets eat," Harry said.

We all sat down and ordered. While we were waiting for the food we got to know Kallie.

"So, do you have a favorite princess?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I like Princess Ariel," Kallie said.

"Why is she your favorite?" Zayn asked.

"She sings really pretty."

"Yeah? Did you know that we can sing?"

"Really?" She asked excitedly.


"Can you sing for me?"

"When we get to your house, okay?" I said.

She nodded. "Do you wanna go shopping?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, can I get some toys?" She looked at him hopefully.

"Of course, Sweetie. We're going to get stuff for your room, too."


Zayn gasped. We all looked over at him. "what?"

"You know what we should do with your room, Kallie?"


"We should paint your room like THE LITTLE MERMAID. We could paint Ariel, Sebastian, Flownder, King Trident, and Prince Erik."

"Can you do that?!"

"Of course. You just can't go into your room until it's finished."


Our food came out. "So, what's the plan?" Louis asked.

"How about Zayn get all of the paint he'll need, Niall can give him the key to his house and he can start on that. Then the rest of us can take Kallie shopping?" I suggested.

"Perfect!" Zayn said.

"Uncle Zayn is not going shopping with us?"

"Not this time, Love. I'm going to start on your room so that I can have it done by the time you get home," Zayn told her.

Kallie looked upset at that. "You and Uncle Zayn can go shopping again in a couple of days okay? Just you two," Niall said and Kallie smiled.

"Okay, Daddy."

Niall grinned so hard it looked like it hurt. We finished eating and headed out. Zayn went to the house and we went shopping. We were out for a good 5 hours. Then Zayn texted me tellin me Kallie's room was done, so we headed home.

Adopted by Niall HoranDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora