Chapter 1

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I was going to the adoption center today. I was finally going to have a son or daughter. I was going alone, the boys wanted it to be a surprise. So, we were going to meet then at Nandos at 3. which gives me two hours.

As soon as I walked in I was greeted by a kind women in her late 40s.

"Hello, I'm Amy. How can I help you today?"

"Hi, I'm Niall. I was hoping to adopt."

"Of course. You called the other day correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay. We did your background check. And you were cleared. Did you have a specific gender in mind?"

"No, ma'am."

"Okay, age?"

"Under 10, but older than 2."

"Okay. Let me gather all of those children. I'll be right back."

I smiled and nodded. I waited for about five minutes. Amy came back and asked me to follow her. We walked to what looked like a small cafeteria.

"They are all doing something, so you can walk around and talk to them. Okay?"

I nodded and thanked her. I walked in and there were only about seven children. Most of them were boys. After talking to three of them I was losing hope. I knew I would know the child when I saw them. I stood up, about to walk out when I saw her.

She had dark brown hair, almost like my natural hair color, and bright blue eyes. She looked kind of like me, except for some of her facial features. I slowly walked over to her. She was coloring a picture of Anna and Elsa from Frozen.

"Hi, sweetie." I said, quietly.

She looked up. "Hi." She went back to her coloring.

"What's your name?"


"That's a lovely name. do you like Frozen?"


I got up. going to ask Amy about this little angel. "Wait." I looked down to see that the little girl was looking up at me.

"Yes?" I kneeled down.

"What's your name?"

"Niall. Niall Horan."

"I like that name. Are you from Ireland?"

"Yes, I am."

"That where we moved from."

"Did you like it there?"

She nodded. "How old are you?"


"You're so adorable. why don't you finish your coloring while I go talk to Amy?" She nodded again. I got up and walked to Amy.

"Did you find one?"

"Yes, little Kallie."

"She's such a sweetheart. Well come into my office and I'll tell you more about Kallie an you can do some paperwork."

I followed her to the office and and told me that Kallies parents moved from Dublin to London two years ago, and two months after her parents got in a car crash and died. They searched for other living relatives but couldn't find any, so she was sent here. I learned that she was at a higher intellectual level than most kids her age, and she is showing signs of dyslexia. I signed the papers and then Amy went to get Kallie ready.

"Alright Mr. Horan. She's coming down on a few minutes. If you have any more questions you can just call up here."

"Thank you so much."

Kallie walked downstairs a few minutes later. "Kallie, meet your new Dad, Niall." She smiled and we left.

"If it makes you feel more comfortable you can call me Niall."

"Okay. Where are we going?"

"To eat and meet your Uncles. Well some of them."

"Okay. I'm hungry."

"We're headed to food, Sweetie."

Adopted by Niall HoranDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora