Chapter 6

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It was the third week into your and Kallie was absolutely loved being around Asana. She was determined to get Asana and I together. Asana stayed in our hotel rooms with us.

I was sitting on my bed, Kallie was playing in the floor, and Asana was in the bathroom.


"Yes Princess?" I asked looking up from my phone.

"You know what you should do?"

"What's that?"

"Take Asana out. Uncle Zayn said he'd watch me."

"Where did you get this idea from? Uncle Zayn?"


"Hmm, maybe."

I reacted Zayn.

'So now you're telling my daughter to go on a date with Asana?'

'Dude, she asked me what I did with Aunt Pez. And then told me "Daddy should do that with Asana"'
'But you know she's not wrong. Asana likes you and you like her. Take her on a date. Kallie can spend the night with Liam and I.'

'I might take you up in that offer.'


Asana walked out of the bathroom. "Are you two ready? Louis texted me that they were getting hungry."

"Yeah!!" Kallie exclaimed.

I got up and grabbed our room Kay, making sure I grabbed my wallet and phone. Kallie asked me to pick her up so I did. And we headed to Louis room to get the rest of the boys and go eat.


I heard Kallie and Niall's conversation. And then Zayn texted me that we should go out on a date. I didn't know what to think. I like Niall, like a lot but I worked for them so I didn't know if it would be awkward.

We got to the room and Kallie ran to Louis, screaming that he needed to hurry and that she was hungry. We headed off to dinner.


At dinner I kept thinking about what Zayn said. I didn't see a problem with asking Asana out other than the fact of it not working out. Zayn leaned over to me.

"Ask her. Movie tonight."

I looked over and he gave me an encouraging look. I nodded and decided I would ask her when we were leaving.

We had fun at dinner and then decided to head back to the hotel rooms to get Kallie a bath.

"Asana, can I talk to you?" I asked. She nodded and followed me away from the group.

"What's up, Niall? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just have a question for you. Uhm, do you possibly want to go watch a movie with me tonight?"

"What about Kallie?"

"Zayn said him and Li would keep her."

"Yes, Ni I would love to go on a date with you."

"Good, umm. Well we should go give Kallie a bath and stuff before the movie."

"Sounds good."

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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