Chapter 3

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Note: Whoops, smut already? :3

Warning: Mature sexual content that may not be appropriate for some readers. You may have to be already following me to view this chapter.


Calum and Ashton walked out the door of the testing room, both stretching to get rid of any stiff muscles from standing in one spot for god knows how long.

Ashton glanced down at his watch, nearly groaning when he saw the time.

"We were in there for two hours," he muttered, popping the bones in his knuckles.

Calum grimaced at the sound of cracking bone, opening the door to the restroom and entering.

Ashton followed, even though it was the kind of restroom that was only meant for one person, locking the door and standing beside his best friend as he splashed some water onto his handsome face. The wavy-haired lad handed him some face wipes from the clean, marble counter near the sink.

He popped another knuckle as Calum wiped his face dry.

"You're going to get arthritis in your hand and then you'll never be able to please your submissive," he scolded.

The brunette simply rolled his eyes. Calum let out a sigh of annoyance but said nothing further. He tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for the clock to hit 1:30. That would be when they would be able to get their results and meet their submissives.

"You're hot when you're all worked up," Ashton smirked, one arm coming up to wrap around his shoulder.

The dark-haired boy bit his lip, a nasty habit he had since he was a child. A large hand came up to pull at the thick flesh.

"Gotta stop doing that, Calum. Only makes me want you more," he whispered into the other man's ear.

Calum ignored his best friend's blunt statement.

"Are you going to act like this even when you have a submissive of your own?" he snapped, dark eyes glaring.

Ashton snorted, leaning over to carefully kiss Calum on his lips.

The olive-skinned dominant did nothing to fight against his friend's advance. This was a normal occurrence between the two men, exchanging quick kisses and occasional hand jobs. They had grown up together, gone to school together, figured out their sexualities together. Hell, they lived in the same house.

No, Calum simply sighed and kissed back slightly. He didn't let the kiss get pass simple lip touching, though.

"We had an agreement," whispered the dark-haired dominant, in between soft pecks. "No more of this. Our submissives will need us to be fully committed to them. They're naturally timid and shy. They won't protest but they'll still feel upset and rejected. I can't do that to my submissive."

Ashton pulled back, hovering.

His hazel eyes stared directly into Calum's chocolate-brown irises. A flash of what the dark-haired man took to be sorrow flashed over his features. This time, the look wasn't so quick to leave.

"I love you," he breathed, "You know that, right?"

Calum rolled his eyes, feeling Ashton's arm tighten slightly at the action. He shot the other man a soft smile, one hand coming up to brush at Ashton's wavy locks.

"Of course, you doof," he chuckled. "I love you, too."

Without warning, the brown-haired man lunged at him, smashing their lips together in a passionate, open-mouthed kiss. Calum stumbled slightly before finding his equilibrium and kissing back with just as much power and dominance. Their tongues wrestled and their hands each found purchase on some part of the other's body.

Dominion (BDSM AU) • C.A.L.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now