Chapter 13

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Note: Yay! An update! Mikey in media is such a cutie! <3


Ashton and Calum watched as the door opened to reveal a tall man with blonde hair and what could only be described as a 'strict' face. With pale lips pulled into a tight line, a strong jaw line and piercing bright eyes, Daryl Clifford was an intimidating dominant. The younger dominants straightened, squaring their shoulders and holding their heads high. It would be unbecoming of any dominant to show submissiveness to another dominant, regardless of age. It was their way of showing respect.

"I'm assuming that you are my son's...dominants," he said in a deep voice.

Both dominants had to keep from scowling at the way Daryl said 'dominants'. It had just the tiniest hint of disapproval and it was obvious that the older dominant was not very thrilled with the idea of his only son being a submissive to a pair of dominants.

"Yes, Sir," Calum replied with a straight face, Ashton nodding in agreement. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Calum Hood. Title: Dominant."

Ashton offered the older man a cocky smile, hands fitting themselves into his dark jean pockets.

"Ashton Irwin. Title: Dominant."

Michael's father narrowed his eyes slightly at Ashton and the younger dominant felt his jaw tighten at the action. The dominant blood running through his veins screamed at him to punish the other man but it was against their laws to punish another dominant. That was the responsibility of the Society.

"Daryl Clifford. Obviously, I'm a dom," he said carelessly, moving away from the door to let the two men in. "Michael's in his room at the end of the hall. His things are all already packed. Sure you don't need any help?"

Both younger dominants tensed at the older dominant's tone.

It was as if he was implying that they were unable to handle such tasks on their own. The idea of being underestimated set both dominant's blood on fire, irritation surging through their bodies. It was obvious that the relationship between the two friends and Michael's father would be a rocky one.

"We'll be fine," Calum responded curtly, watching Ashton out of the corner of his eye.

The wavy-haired man was staring straight at Daryl with a cocky smile but Calum could see the way that Ashton's hands clenched at his pockets.

"Yeah, don't worry about us," Ashton replied, turning quickly and walking towards the door that Daryl had directed them to.

With Calum right behind him, he furiously made his way down the hallway.

The dark-haired dominant sighed. He could practically see the waves of rage radiating of off his best friend. Calum stilled for a second, that statement rolling around in his head. What was Ashton to him? They were definitely best friends, of course, but they were more than that now. Their relationship had always been more than platonic, obviously, but he had never thought of them as more than friends. Until this moment, he had simply seen Ashton has the most important person in his life – his best friend. Now, he was seeing him in a different light.

What were they? Lovers didn't seem like a strong enough word.

"Cal? You coming?"

Ashton's words brought the dark-haired boy out of his stupor, eyelids blinking over dark eyes to focus on the other dominant.

"Yeah, of course."

His reply earned him a bright smile from the wavy-haired man, evoking a small grin from Calum himself. As he came to Ashton's side, he felt a large hand meet his own hand in a strong, firm grip. Dark eyes came up to meet deep hazel ones and Calum squeezed Ashton's hand in return, earning him a kiss on the cheek.

Dominion (BDSM AU) • C.A.L.M. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now