The 'figure'.

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Hazel's POV
As I starred at Berk I hear doors open from what seems to to be the great hall, if I remember correctly, people started to come out the doors and as they do everyone of them stared at the sky.

Then I realized they're all staring at... ME!!!

'I don't want them to know its me yet, but I highly doubt that anyone remembers who I am.' I think to myself, I turn around and blend in to the clouds and hope they think it's just another dragon.
Hiccup's POV
As I exit the great Hall with my friends and mom
I notice a shadow figure in the clouds. I stepped in front of everyone, followed by Toothless and Mom.
"What should we do?" Asked Spitelout
"I'll go, keep everyone on the ground." I commanded. As I tolled Spitelout my command I whistled to Toothless, as toothless came to my side I jumped on the saddle and flew towards the shadowy figure.
Hazel's POV
As I looked for somewhere to land and hide I hear wings flapping I look forward to see a night fury and a... RIDER!!!
"Oh NO!" I say as I fly as fast as I could to the nearest cave. As i soared through the wind I flew in to a dark cave and hid myself in my wings to seem like a rock.
Hiccup's POV
As we approached the figure It started to fly away, but Toothless and I didn't want it to get away so we followed it, but the the problem with that was that the 'figure' was extremely fast and hard to follow. As we follow it flew into a cave. I couldn't see but toothless still can use echolocation,(I know they don't know what it is but I don't know how to explain it so let's just use the word)I tapped on Toothless head to see if he can locate it, but no luck. It's like it just... Disappeared. We flew out the cave and back to Berk, to tell everyone.
Hazel's POV
"Well that was close." I said relieved and echoing in the cave, I started to explore the cave until I step on a piece of clothing, I pick it up and examined it then I realize It's a black cloak I put it on and it hid my wings and tail perfectly.
"That's it, I'll just where this cloak and go to Berk, it's perfect!!!" I say excited. Then a sudden yawn came out my mouth and I decide to go to sleep. I settle in a hole in the wall, I drape my wing over me so I look like part of the wall and fall asleep. 'Tomorrow I'm headed to Berk.'
Hiccup's POV
As head home from telling everyone it got away, I couldn't stop thinking about the 'figure' it was almost like a human figure, just with wings and tail. As I walk up to the door and open it I see mom cleaning her armor I walk in with Toothless following close behind me. I take a seat in front of the fire, as I stare at the fire my mother speaks." So how was it following that 'figure'."She asks. "It was difficult, I mean it was fast! Not like like Toothless fast it was faster!" I Said surprised. Toothless must have gotten offended because he hit me with his tail on the head. "Really that fast!" My mom said while laughing at Toothless's action.

"Tell me, what did this 'figure' look like?"

"Well now that I think about it, it had the wings, and tail of a Night Fury."

"Do you think it was a Night fury?"

"No, it's body was different like a human."

As I finished my sentence my mom dropped a shoulder guard from her armor making my jump in my seat. I look to see my mother staring at hands and her eyes wide open.

"Are you ok, mom?" I asked still looking at her.

"Um..yes, I think you should go to sleep, son. It's been a long day." She Says avoiding eye contact with me. "Yeah, I think so think so to, goodnight."
I say standing up heading upstairs. "Goodnight, son." I hear before Toothless and I get in my room fall in my bed and go to sleep.
Valka's POV
Once Hiccup shut his room door I started thinking of what hiccup said: human body, Night Fury wings and tail, echoed in my head. "Could it be... My first child... Is back...Hazel?"

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