"New" girl on Berk

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Hazel's POV
As I wake up, I see sunlight coming into the cave, then I realize today is the day I go to Berk...again but properly.i get out of the hole in the wall and head to the entrance of the cave. I notice nobody outside."Perfect, time to go to Berk!" I say to myself, as I am about to jump I open my wings(still wearing my cloak)and let my wing take care of the flying as I jumped. 'let's do this!'I think as I head to Berk.
********A couple seconds later*********
Hazel's POV
I landed on the dock just so no one saw me. I headed up the stairs to see everyone starting to swarm out of they're homes, as they do they start to stare at my like they have never seen a newcomer before. I decide to wave and say hello. "Hello?" I say not to sure about it. After I said hello it must have pulled a triggered or something because everyone said: 'hello', 'good morning', or 'have a good day' at the same time, after they spoke they went on to they're own business. 'Thank Thor' that could have ruined everything.'I think to myself as I walk.
Hiccup's POV
As I wake up I see Toothless staring at me.
"What?" I ask him.
He looks outside the window and now I understand, I see everyone has already started their day, as chief of Berk I have to go do my chiefly tasks bright and early.
"Ugh, Toothless your killing me, bud." I say while sit up on my bed.Toothless just gave a 'laugh' and went down stairs. Since I left my armor/flight Suit on I just followed Toothless. Once I was downstairs I see mom cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, mom."

".........morning, son." She said like she was thinking about something...but what. As I thought to myself Toothless nudged me towards the door.

"Well I have to go,mom. Bye." I say before Toothless leaves through the door as I follow.
"Bye." Is the last thing I hear before I shut the door, still worrying about my mom. As I walked I didn't even notice that I bumped into someone.
Hazel's POV
As I walk around Berk I start to remember memories. Like where I first learned to fly, first plasma blasting, and first person I tripped with my tail. I couldn't help but to smile at the memories, I was so distracted that I didn't even notice that I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir." I apologize, as I got up and offer  my hand so he can get up.

"That's ok I wasn't looking where I was going." He said as he chuckled and taking my hand to get up.

"Neither was I."

"My name is Hiccup, and you are?"

"Oh my name is Hazel nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Hazel."

As I examine him carefully he looked a lot like me: auburn hair, faint freckles, our hair flips to the right. As I was thinking of his qualities a Night Fury came over to us and stared at me. Then I remember the Night Fury with a...RIDER!
As the girl stared at me I stared back, I observed her: Auburn hair,  faint freckles, our hair flips to the right. As I observe her toothless comes over and stares a her.

"Oh, this is Toothless, stick your hand out to see if he trust's you."


As Hazel pulled her hand out of  her cloak, I see something like dragon skin but I shrug it off. Once Hazel pulled out her hand Toothless right away put his nose on her hand without hesitation.

"Wow, when I trained him he hesitated, but you... It's like he already knows you!"

Hiccup's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now