Chapter One

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Chapter One

“Impressive,” said the Darkling as he watched light pour from the girl out into the darkness he conjured. His voice came to them as if from a great distance. “Baghra taught you far too well. But you’re not strong enough for this, Alina.”

Alina seemed to ignore the Darkling’s words. He pressed on.

“You! Tracker! Are you so ready to die for her?” the Darkling called. The boy’s expression did not change. He stood, bow at the ready, arrow nocked, turning in a slow circle, searching out the Darkling’s voice. “That was a very touching scene we witnessed,” he sneered, referring to the kiss the boy and girl had just shared. “Did you tell him, Alina? Does the boy know how willing you were to give yourself to me? Did you tell him what I showed you in the dark?”

The Darkling sensed the girl’s shame, and noticed her light faltered. The Darkling laughed.

She glanced at the boy. His jaw was set. He radiated icy anger toward the Darkling. The Darkling could feel the hold on Alina’s power slip. She refocused and it brightened again, but the Darkling knew she was reaching her limit. Darkness began to sink into the edges of the bubble of light like ink.

“Do it, Mal,” Alina whispered to the boy. “You know what has to happen.”

Mal looked at Alina, panic flaring in his eyes. He shook his head. The Darkling pressed his power further against Alina’s light. Whatever plan they had must fail.

“Quick, Mal! Before it’s too late.”

In one lightning movement, Mal had dropped his bow and unsheathed his knife.

“Do it, Mal! Do it now!”

The Darkling pressed his power further. Alina couldn’t keep this up forever.

The boy’s hand was shaking.

“I can’t,” he whispered. “I can’t.” 

The Darkling felt victory wash over him. He won. He always did.

Suddenly, Mal thrust the knife forward, plunging it into Alina’s throat. Shock registered on Alina’s face before her eyes glazed over, and she went limp, blood pooling from her wound.

The Darkling felt his anger break loose. He’d lost his only hope at power over the Shadow Fold.

The Darkling retracted the darkness so he could more clearly see Mal, standing over Alina’s body with the bloody knife in his hand. Tears spilled down the boy’s face.

The Darkling summoned his power and thrust out his arm, sending a slice of darkness through the air.

The Cut aimed at its target and tore straight through the boy’s right bicep, severing the arm holding the knife. 

Mal screamed, dropping to his knees. He grabbed the knife in his other hand and held it at his throat.

“I’ll meet you in the meadow, Alina,” and before the Darkling could react, the boy plunged the knife into his own throat.

Frustration and bitter anger coursed through the Darkling. He directed himself toward a large tree and sent the Cut straight through it, slicing the tree’s trunk in half. He felt a bit of pressure release as he heard the crunch of tree hit the earth.

The Darkling pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He’d lost the Sun Summoner. Now he would have to sit back and wait for when he could find another. For all he knew, it could be tomorrow, or maybe it would take the same amount of time it took to find Alina. Hundreds of years.

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