Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I awoke to the sounds of quiet movement. My senses suddenly went into high alert. Of course, my mind wasn’t quite there yet.

I cracked open one eye and stretched, looking to see the Healer and the Darkling were leaving. Apparently aware of my waking, the Darkling stopped on his way outside the coach.

“We’ve stopped to rest.” He told me without glancing back.

I sat up slowly, stretching out my muscles. Carefully, I pulled myself out of the coach.

We’d stopped at some old barn off one of the back roads. I watched as some oprichniki, the Darkling’s personal guards, started up a fire. Suddenly, I felt a presence by my side. I looked, and instantly took a few steps away.

I’d forgotten about the stupid Heartrender.

“Hey, pretty lady,” he said, flashing a smile at me. My insides curled with disgust.

“Hey, jerkface,” I muttered. He gave me a surprised look, and then stepped forward so he was right in front of me. I searched for an escape route, but he had me backed against the coach.

“Now, there’s no need for language like that,” he murmured. I was absolutely frozen when he took my hands in his. He looked me straight in my frightened eyes. “I just want you to know I’ve never seen a woman as beautiful as you in all my life.”

I couldn’t even blink I was so shocked. A million thoughts ran through my mind at that moment. I’d never had a man compliment me in such a way before.

He kept his gaze locked with mine, probably expecting an answer. An answer I couldn’t give.


I was saved from having to answer, though, when another Corporalnik called out, “Hey, Ivan! Stop tormenting the poor girl!”

Ivan? Stupid heartrender has a name?

He sighed, closing his eyes. He let go of my hands and yelled back, “Shut up!” then his gaze returned to me. He smiled at me and asked, “Come sit with me?”

There was only one thing going through my mind at the moment. What the hell?

Nevertheless, I found myself accepting his request. He took my hand again and dragged me over to a group of the Darkling’s men by the fire.

I sat next to Ivan, and instantly felt uncomfortable. I was the only female, surrounded by men, both Grisha and oprichniki.

Ivan passed a flask to me and I hesitantly took it. I took a sip, and recognized the flavour of kvas. I had never really liked the taste, but my throat was dry and gladly welcomed the drink.

I was aware of Ivan watching me as I took another gulp. I brought the flask away from my mouth and handed it back to him.

“You a drinker?” he asked. I shook my head. I still couldn’t bring myself to give him a proper answer. He flashed me a bright smile and engaged in a conversation with the men.

After a few minutes of being absolutely bored, I’d managed to scoot away to the far edge of the barn. It was colder over here since I was away from the warmth of the fire, but I was away from all the loud men.

I shivered and drew my legs closer to me. My dress was dirty from sitting on the ground and it wasn’t providing much warmth either. Suddenly, I felt a presence to my right. I turned and found myself face-to-face with the Darkling.

He watched me with an intense gaze for a moment before I quickly looked away. I felt something covering my body and I saw that the Darkling had draped a wool blanket over me.

“Thanks,” I mumbled, snuggling into the blanket’s warmth. The Darkling simply nodded. There was something strangely comforting about sitting there in the dark with him.

“Um…” I started. He looked at me, an eyebrow raised.


I blanked. I had nothing to say, I’d simply wanted to break the silence. “Uh…hi?”

His lips quirked up into a half smile. “That’s all?”

I shrugged. “Pretty much.”

We returned to our silence.

“Am I really Grisha?” I asked.

“Yes.” He replied, a hint of amusement laced in his tone.

I sighed. So, this was really happening? I was Grisha, I’d gotten away from my home, I was being pursued by a Heartrender, and I was talking to the Darkling.

“Why did you personally find me?” I asked before I could stop myself.

There was a pause. I looked to my right and examined the Darkling’s face, but it didn’t give anything away.

“I’ve been searching for a long time to find someone like you.” He said.

“What do you mean?” I asked. He looked to me, hurt in his eyes. I was taken aback by the emotion.

“Your power is quite unique, Zeya,” he murmured. I thought about that. My power…I had destroyed the darkness that the Darkling had conjured. There was only one other person known to have that type of power.

Just two years before, Alina Starkov, the great Sun Summoner, had perished in Tsibeya. Her body had been found with another, a boy’s body. He had been a tracker in the First Army, but was said to have deserted, kidnapped Alina, and killed her. They say he had some sort of mental disorder, and they never disclosed his name.

Alina was killed. Would I be killed, too, then?

As if he was reading my mind, the Darkling said, “I will not let any harm come to you, Zeya. My men will protect you at all costs.”

For some reason, that didn’t sound very reassuring. I didn’t want people to give their lives for me.

That was the end of our conversation for the rest of the night. We both simply sat there in each other’s company, listening to the others’ conversations.

After about an hour, I felt myself growing weary. I fought sleep as hard as I could, but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stay awake all night.

At one point, I thought I heard the Darkling whisper, “Get some rest, Zeya,” but I could have imagined it.

Soon enough, my eyelids drooped. I felt to the side a bit, and felt my head resting on someone’s arm.

I slept peacefully that night.

A/N: That ending…haha hope you enjoyed this chapter. I felt that I needed to put this little filler chapter in here since I didn’t like going so fast with the storyline. 

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