Thank You!

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Thank you to anyone who reads my stories, even if you're a silent reader. You guys are reason I continue write and don't just give up. If it hadn't been for you, I would have given up long ago.

Okay, I've got a few specific people I want to thank. I'm not saying I hate everyone else, but these are exceedingly fabulous people.

1. gwendolyn1 - awesome comment-er who always makes me smile. Also writes pretty cool stories.

2. Coffee_Is_Life - really awesome person who comments and PM's me to remind me to write and have goofy conversations. Probably the person I'm closest to and talk about my irl life with the most. I always know they're there to support me, even when I'm down.

3. Directioner_Fangurl - cool person who made the covers for several of my books and used to talk to me via PM a lot.

4. The_Scythian - awe-inspiring person who I enjoy talking to. I love their writing and style. Their writing is my inspiration because I aspire to write like them.

So, yeah! Remember, love ya all, I just wanted to thank a few specific people.

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