MunchingBrotato has recently brought something to my attention that I'd like to share. He said he's graduating and that he'll miss school. It might sound crazy, but in a way I agree. In summer you get a break, but you also lose school. School is a big part of the day and takes a large chunk out of each year. It's something that has become a routine for me and I'm not sure how I feel about losing it. Believe me, I don't like school but it's a part of my life.
School gives me a sense of purpose, a sense that I am at least a student instead of just another person. I have a role to do each day. Now the things that were once hobbies have consumed my life. I feel like I'm wasting my life just sitting here watching Youtube, sleeping in, etc. instead of interacting with the world around me. I've isolated myself because of purposelessness.
I don't know if this makes any sense, but I'm just kinda venting. Does anyone else have this feeling? Or are Tyler and I alone in this craziness? I've expanded a bit more than he did, so I might be the only crazy one.
You, know, I have a thing for dark and deep thoughts late at night. It's 12:38pm. Lol, what is wrong with me?