Das Etikett

18 0 7

Title: According to Google Translate, the title means tag in German. 

I've been tagged by Madison_Jade5809!


1. It is necessary to post all rules

2. You must post 10+ things about yourself

3. If you refuse, then you have do some challenge/punishment from tagger

4. You must tag 13 people 

5. You must have a creative name for the tag

6. It must be done this week


1. Um... I am from primarily Irish and German descent.

2.  I took a few years of German and am currently in a Spanish class at school.

3. I have an injury from June 2015 that still hasn't healed. 

4. Over spring break, my family bought eight chicks.

5. I currently have three dogs and two cats.

6. I'm a girl (I think that's probably obvious).

7. I'm a big Minecraft fan and really like SkyDoesMinecraft.

8. I love watching anime (I welcome recommendations!).

9. I play guitar and clarinet (badly).

10. I am listening to Beth Crowley as I type this.


1. Swiggity_Cat

2. HyperMuffinBall

3. WolfSilverMoon

4. xCoolSkeleton95x

5. gwendolyn1

6. AngryIrishGamer

7. The-Bad-Twin

8. Coffee_Is_Life

9. bcollinsss

10. xX_MiSs_SaLVaToRe_Xx

11. Blackflame032700

12. Pixel_Potato

13. Starlightkitty

Have fun, guys! No tag backs - I recommend that you tag Madison_Jade5809 :P

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