2.Stay there peasent

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Thank you so much for reading this book and for all the lovely comments and tips!

Sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes...

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Ella's P.O.V
"Shit, that's Jake Solomon," Kate whispered under her breath. Me and Hannah both looked at each other with questioning eyes then both looked at Kate.

Before me and Hannah could ask Kate if she was okay, a middle aged women who looked a similar age to my mum walked over to us with what I assumed was her son in her arms.

The women had dark brown hair which I assumed was dyed as it had a weird hint of purple to it. Her hair was short and was put in a centre partings with her curly hair reaching her shoulders. She had a few wrinkles on the creases on her eyes and but apart from that she seemed young due to her high cheek bones. Her eyes were dark brown and looked tired, though as she walked up to us she had a massive happy smile on her face.

Like the boy next door the child in his mothers arms had blonde hair but instead of blue eyes he had heart warming almond brown eyes. His face was so cute and he had chubby cheeks with what looked like chocolate covering them.

"Hi there," the women spoke enthusiastically in a 'mummsie' voice.

"Hi," me, Hannah and Kate chorused in our unnaturally high awkward voices.

The women quickly scanned over our faces, but her eyes grew happy when they landed on Kate's.

"Kate Finleys, is that you! Oh my, I haven't seen you in years. How's your sister, I bet she's all grown up!" The women seemed to blurt out as Kate sheepishly nodded.

"Yep, she's just finished her last year at collage." Kate replied, smiling politely.

"Oh I'm sorry girls! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sally Solomon, but you can call me Sal. I'm going to be your new neighbour." Sal smiled enthusiastically. "Oh and this is my son Jonny, he's 4 years old and is getting very heavy." Sally looked at her son with a frown as she slowly lowered him down to the ground.

"Heylo," Jonny shyly whispered and my heart melted at his cuteness. What also caught my attention was his Manchester United football top he was wearing which made me grin.

"Hi Jonny, my names Ella and these are my two friends Hannah and Kate. I'm going to be your new neighbour." I spoke softly.

Jonny seemed to like me and responded in a big smile which made me smile too.

"Awh, I think he likes you." Sally replied with a genuine smile growing on her face. I had already taken an instant liking to Sally, she seemed so happy and caring. Sally ruffled Jonny's hair which left the poor boy blushing and shying behind her legs.

"Ah, I almost forgot to introduce you to my other son." Her eyes grew dark again just as they were before we saw her. "Ummm JAKE!" She yelled, waiting for a reply. A few seconds went by and the boy who looked around are age started walking over.

My eyes locked on his and butterfly's grew in my stomach I had to quickly look away. He had perfectly styled brown messy hair, he had tall structure and defined muscles but most of all his hot sea blue eyes just got me. His eyes looked turquoise for seconds but then went a deep navy blue like the sea. He had very defined jaw line and I could also work out his cheek bones. He had a whole bad boy style about him and as he walked closer his face was stern and instantly gave the impression that he didn't want to be here, which I found quite insulting.

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