13.Wishing I Was More Socail

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I looked up through the window and my eyes widened as they were met with a massive house. It was beautiful. I know it's sad but come to think of it I've never seen a real life mansion. Like off course I've seen them on TV and Magazines but it's never been so close I could enter. It was definitely a modern mansion as well. It was about 3 stories high, crystal white with lots of glass and polished wood. Through the windows I could see a grand staircase which swirls upwards through the floors.

"I-is that erm hers?" I stuttered. I was overwhelmed by the house

"Yes, it's nice isn't it." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I gazed at the mansion in awe. "What are her parents jobs?" I asked intrigued.

"Her mums a doctor and her dads a CEO." He replied. My eyes gazed through glass rooms which seemed to have a swimming pool. "Right then." Jake dragged. He started shuffling around as if to get ready out of the car.

It had only just dawned. "Ummm Jake." I asked rather panicked. He hummed back. "What exactly am I supposed to do when you're gone." Sh** I knew this was a bad idea and for human rights I am not spending my day stuck in Jakes car. No. Thank. You.

"Well the town is 3 minutes away from here use google maps or something to find it." He lazily suggested.

"Cool." I said rather bitterly.

"What! I don't want you third wheeling unless you don't mind watching a lot of hot XRated-" before Jake finished his sentence I butted in.

"I'm fine." My face grew red.

"Good." He looked me in the eyes and done the signature smirk. "Meet me here at 7." He nodded.

I stuck my big lip out. "That means I have 7 hours of time killing."

He chuckled, "And I have 7 hours of making love." He winked at me then abruptly got out the car slamming the door behind him. I sighed and slowly and got out. "If you have any problems call me." Jake instructed.

"Sure." I nodded my head then watched Jake skip towards the door however before he even got close the door burst open and a petite girl with a massive smile ran up to hug him. This is when I looked away as they made out. Once they finished I looked at Jakes girlfriend more closely. Her Raven black hear was braided into one platte at the side. She had big green eyes and her red lipstick highlight her big lips. She was wearing a body-con dress with a denim jacket tied around her waist.

Before I could escape I felt her forest green eyes fall on me and curiosity filled them. I couldn't hear her and Jake talk as there voices seemed muted. She then gestured me to come over.

"Hey," she said in a welcoming voice as I stepped towards the couple.

I smiled back and greeted her in return. "Hi."

"Jake are you going to introduce me." She looked at Jake and nudged him playfully, this however caused Jake to hug her tighter until she squealed. I laughed at the couple in front of me and even though I felt a pang of envy there was no doubt that they seemed amazing for each other. Finally Jakes girlfriend slapped him off and glared at Jake for him to introduce us.

With a sigh Jake went forward. "Libby this is my friend Ella. Ella this is my girlfriend Libby." He then took a slow bow to make it even more dramatic which earned a playful hit on the arm from me and Libby at the same time.

"OWH," Jake cried causing me and Libby to laugh wickedly.

"Nice to meet you." Libby said politely.

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