8.Incredible Hulk

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Another Chapter!

Chapter 5
I watched as the back of his head faded into the distance and got lost into the blur of people dancing.

I strangely felt better and the smallest smile crept on to my face. I can't believe Jerkroid made me feel better and wasn't just caring for himself, wow.

I wiped my face one more time to hide any traces of the tears and slowly headed to the kitchen again soaking up the atmosphere. Finally they were playing some good music, I thought.

My eyes rolled when I saw Josh and "G" blocking the entrance. Now it's time to meet dumb and dumber.  Well they aren't actually that dumb, they're just total jerks (like if my school didn't had enough). I sadly did have a crush on Josh though... What! He was... Well still is cute!

Josh was about six foot tall. He had jet black hair and pale brown eyes with the whole 'football-ers' body. Yes he was a footballer... So yeah hella out of my league.

I've probably got the image in your mind that ALL the football players were jerks, which isn't 100% true. I would say it would be the competitiveness between the football and soccer players made me dislike them.

The football players are ego hungry and there drive is to be the most popular, however that doesn't go for all of them.

Josh wasn't all of them and was close friends with Lucas. Well not as close as Lucas and Karl.

And "G" short for "Gavin". Well "G" was a bumhole. He was one of those big mouth jocks who typically loved fights and was a bit of an air head. He had blonde curly messy hear and hazel eyes and sadly was good looking, not that I liked him.

I took in a deep breath before I spoke to them. "Excuse me," I said looking up at the towering boys. However they didn't seem to listen. "Hello!" I shouted, I felt like I was the size of jack and they were the beanstalk.

"Oh um hi," 'G' lazily looked at me but then looked away again.

"Can you two move please," I whined. Josh looked down at me and his brown eyes widened in shock.

"Sorry, umm Ella is it? I didn't see you there." He spoke, the anger in my body quickly disappeared

"Oh no it's fine," I replied sweetly.

"Hey, umm I know I barely know you, I think your in my English class but... Do you wanna dance?" He offered.


"Yeah sure," I said trying to come out calm.

Josh gave me his large hand and I took it as he lead me to the dance floor. Oh sugar I don't even know how to dance (well besides next to my bedroom mirror).

Squeezing through sweaty bodies we managed to get ourselves near middle of the dance floor. I was facing Josh and he gave me a sheepish smile before he grabbed both my hands and placed them on his shoulders. I felt myself heat up and I tried stopping myself. He just grinned even more before placing his cold firm hands just bellow my rib cage, I began to hold in my breath as I got nervous but I needn't have been.

Me and Josh just jumped to the music head banging, twirling, throwing our hands in the air and all, I just let myself be free and even though I did feel a bit uncomfortable at first being with Josh and all, I soon felt right and things flowed well. I was so care free.

It was 4 songs afterward and I could feel a blanket of cold sweat overcome my body.

"Hey, do you want a drink?" Josh asked and I eagerly nodded my head up and down.

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