12.Turn into a Walnut

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I had gotten my self in the stickiest situation, this wasn't honey sticky but like super strong super glue.

So I agreed to Jake Solomon's deal which is one of the biggest regret I have done. I had agreed to his deal thinking all I would have to do a small or stupid thing but no!

I was now currently getting ready to go on a long car trip to his old town to keep him company so he could meet up with his girlfriend.

That's correct a girlfriend. Which I really didn't understand as I swear he's already been sucking the faces off loads of other girls. Also who would even agree to being his boyfriend. Yes he was very attractive but he is too annoying to bare.

I looked in the mirror and checked my outfit. I wanted to wear something comfy but also nothing too hot as car journeys can be boiling during summer.

I was wearing a black adidas t shirt with white Adidas running shorts with black adidas superstars. Yeah I know a lot of sports wear but it's comfy! I also packed a baby blue Nike hoody just in case it got cold.

I ran my fingers through my long mousy brown hair, which I honestly still couldn't tell if my hair was blonde or brown, then braided it into two neat plaits.

I put some lip balm on, grabbed my phone and my bag then ran down the stairs.

"Ella so how long are you going to be," my mum said standing at the bottom of the stair. She looked like she's just came back for a run as her short chocolate brown hair was in a low messy bun and big clue she was wearing her running clothes.

"I don't know mum, I can't believe I even agreed on going." I whined fiddling with the straps on my bag.

"Well next time don't agree to deals you don't know." She said at me half sternly but more light hearted.

"I'm taking note." I bluntly said which made her laugh.

"Just text me when you know what time your coming back, and please be safe." She came up to me giving me a hug.

"Ew! I don't want to smell of your sweat." I wiggled out he grasp.

She lightly smacked me on the head and walked into the kitchen whilst shouting "Be safe."

I quickly ran out the door into the fresh air and nearly ran into Jake. WHAT JAKE. He was early.

His eyes bulged open as I literally sprinted into his chest nearly knocking both of us down.

"Ella I swear you come up with any excuse to touch me." He smirked giving me a wink as soon as I got my balance.

"I swear your always in my way." I retorted.

"Why did you wake up so sassy." He said shaking his head.

"Nah, I'm always like this, the more you get to know me the more annoying I get." I smiled trying to get on his nerves, "still want to take me?" I hoped he would say no but of course he is a stubborn a**.

"Yes," he said smiling back at me. His large hands grabbed my wrist as he started pulling me to his car. His grasp heated my arm quickly so I pulled away.

He looked back at me quizzically. "I can walk myself." I whispered defensively, as whisk of nervousness overcome me.

I scanned his outfit quickly and I was shocked. He was wearing a white adidas TShirt, black adidas shorts and white adidas trainers.

"Why are our outfits weirdly coordinated." I said shocked.

I watched as his eyes began to scan my outfit with an intense glare causing faint butterflies in my stomach. Jeeze Ella pull yourself together.

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