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everyone in this world has at least a crush in high school. that one person who's able to make you squeal whenever he or she passes by. you can be delusional by just looking at him, and it sends you chills every single time. it could be literally anyone; like the hot guy in your math class, the blonde white chick in your photography club, or just anyone in your school area.

well the feeling is mutual with stella here; the 16 year old girl who's crushing so bad at her school's football captain. luke hemmings.

luke was in stella's spanish class. he always sits right in front of stella, (which of course stella took the most advantage by staring at him for the whole period), and he's always so close to her that she couldn't even concentrate during the class.

so what stella did half an hour ago was, she decided to slip in a small note on luke's table. it's more like a confession note, but of course her hands weren't able to write her own name at the end of the letter.

stella just wanted luke to know how she felt. she wanted luke to know the way stella sees him, how beautiful he actually is.

the brown haired girl was anxious, as she tapped her small fingers on the table. she was fully aware of luke's girlfriend, acacia brinley, who always tags along wherever luke goes. stella doesn't want acacia to find out, it would've been a nightmare.

"okay," mrs. rodriguez cleared her throat, bringing stella's attention to the board, "we're starting the class now-"

"excuse me," a sudden voice cut mrs. rodriguez's sentence, as the whole class fixed their gaze on the familiar tall boy.

"luke," mrs. rodriguez said dryly, "late as always. take your seat." she said, not even looking at him.

luke scoffed at her, as he walked casually inside the class. he took a seat at his usual spot, right in front of stella.

it's pretty obvious that mrs. rodriguez was completely done with luke's lame excuse on why he turned up late on her class. that's probably the reason why she didn't ask him why was he late for the past two months.

"alright class, now open up your book on page 37," mrs. rodriguez said, as she began blabbering in spanish.

luke took his book out, as he placed it on the table. and of course, who wouldn't notice a neon pink note on your table?

luke raised an eyebrow, as he took the paper on his hand. stella who was sitting behind him, was currently shifting uncomfortably. she played with her pen nervously, as luke finally opened the note.

dear luke hemmings,

i have laid awake many sleepless nights just to sum up the right words to describe what i feel. but every single time i have made the attempt, i have failed miserably. i apologize for my poor words in describing all of this, but luke, i love you.

i have stayed up all night till daylight just to have your beautiful face running back and forth across my head. Your somber gaze was alluring - probably because you were unaware of how attractive you were.

i have fallen for you since the very first day you walked in into this class. you were laughing along with michael, as your beautiful voice echoed through the room. there's something in your smile that has the power to make the wilt flowers bloom again. trust me, it was the most beautiful scene i've ever witnessed my whole life.

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