Chapter 5

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Phil's POV

Another day another boring lecture. It would be lie to say that I didn't like learning or going to university. I liked it a lot. But today wasn't one of those days. I've been here for 10 minutes but it feels like 10 hours. Our professor went on and on about some history and told us to listen carefully and write down notes because we will need it in exams.

I was good student. Avoiding getting into trouble, getting good grades and helping teachers. Everyone called me "Nerd" or "teachers pet" but I never gave them any attention. I ignored them. But after a while they started saying worse things like "Faggot", "emo", "ugly", "worthless", "trash" and some other hurtful things. Sometimes bullies got as far as to beat me into pulp.

I looked out of window and started daydreaming. I thought about lions, lambs, monkeys... I wish I could have monkey as my pet. Then my mind brought me images of two chocolate brown eyes. They were sparkling. I instantly smiled and looked down at my desk as blush creeped onto my cheeks. I shouldn't think about him this way...I-I have a boyfriend. And I love him.

But he doesn't love you...

I heard voice in my head say back at me. No! He loved me too!

If he loved you he would have never cheated on you...

It was a mistake or I misunderstood the situation. We were together since high school. It's been almost 5 years we are together. Of course he loves me!

No one could love fat emo like you

I shook my head at the thought and reminded myself to meet up with Charlie and ask him about this situation going between him and Jessica.

As I switched my attention back to class I heard bells go on. I spent most if this class daydreaming.

"Don't forget to read paragraph 28" our teacher Mr. Hecox told us. He looked really tired today. Like he haven't slept in days. I felt bad for him.

Everyone was getting up from their chairs and putting their notebooks back to their backpacks. I did the same and exited classroom. Now I had geography next.

Dan's POV

This day couldn't get more weird. I liked it. I met Chrystal blue pair of eyes, jet black mop of hair and cute pale face. I met Phil. As you can tell I already had crush on him. I crushed on him as soon as I entered that coffee shop. Us bumping into each other wasn't really an 'accident' . I like to all it Pj.


"Hey" Pj nudged me "what are you looking at?" He asked.

"I-I nothing I was just looking at how long queue is" I panicked slightly as I lied to him. I was looking at tall boy getting his order from register.

"Stop undressing that poor boy with your eyes" Pj pushed my shoulder playfully while laughing.

"Shut up" i muttered as I saw boy turn around and make his way near me. To exit.

His eyes were locked in the ground and I took this opportunity to look at him again.

But as soon as I looked at him I felt two strong hands pushing me forwards leaving me stumbling.

I couldn't keep my balance and fell on top of the boy. Spilling his coffee everywhere.

*End of flashback*

I smiled at the thought of him. Good thing I got is number. We should hang out together. I want to know more about him.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by paper ball hitting the side of my head. I turn my head at the direction it came from and notice Pj grinning at me from his desk.

He glanced down at paper that landed near me right foot and then back at me. Motioning for me to open it.

I rolled my eyes and bent down to pick it up. I glanced at teacher to see if she was looking. But she was showing some presentation on laptop.

I opened paper and saw doodle next to some note to it. It said "why are you smiling?" And there was drawing of boy with a fringe similar to mine but he had blue eyes and backpack hanging in his right hand and coffee in another. And in the distance there was me. But instead of eyes I had hearts. Pj was really good at drawing.

Under the drawing there was another note " Heart eyes Howell thinking about that boy from coffee shop?"

I just shook my head. Pj was really childish some times but he could see through me. I mean we were friend since I was 12. We knew everything about each other.

I turned the paper and wrote down my reply there. 'You know me well, I am considering texting him and asking to hang out'

I scrunched up the paper in a ball again and threw it back to Pj. He caught it in mid air and smirked at me before opening and reading the message it consisted.

I looked back at the board and saw our Professor going on about something I couldn't catch on. I was already out of it. I would have to read it again.

I silently took my phone out of my pocket and glanced at the time. I still had 20 minutes to spend here. I looked at Mrs. Chase and saw that she was still going on about something important and not even glancing at me. Good. I went to texts and texted Phil.

To: Philly 🙇💙💛💚
Hi! It's [Dan] haha, I was wondering if we could meet up tomorrow and hang out. We could go to cinema if you want. I am really excited about this new movie Pixels. If you don't want action we can go to Paper Towns. Text me if you have time for it.😜✌️

After I typed the message without getting caught I press send and send it. And yes I did change his name from Phil Lester that he wrote for himself to Philly and some emojis next to it. I didn't like to have my friends name all formal. Were we even friend? No. But...soon.

My phone buzzed after some time. I looked at it and it said I had one new message from Phil. Excitement took over me.

From: Philly 🙇💙💛💚
Hi. It would really be awesome to see you again. But I don't know if I will have time today or tomorrow. I have some stuff to do. I'll tell you of I will be free. Sorry :(

I instantly got sad. Of course he would refuse. We barely knew each other. We were strangers. Or maybe he did have some important things to do. But it was okay. We could go some other time too.

To: Philly🙇💙💛💚
It's okay. I understand. But still contact me if you will be free. ✌️

I sighed and pressed send.

A/N: Omg guys I'm so sorry. I haven't updated this story. I'm really bad person for doing this. I will try to update more. Sorry short chapter.

I hope you enjoyed reading. Comment and fave if you liked this chapter. Prepare yourselves for drama.

Byeee ^-^

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