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this chapter is unedited so please exuse spelling/grammer

Chapter 26:

"Leave it." I heard Fiona's voice reach me as I was about to lunge forwards towards the bitch Victoria standing high and mighty in front of me.

"How am I supposed to leave it? What happened to me is her fault." I reminded Fiona tears flooding my eyes quickly. Fiona's expression softened but then proceeded to harden towards the person behind me. She walked calmly over to Victoria and took a deep breath before her hand came down so quickly Victoria didn't have time to react before she hit the tiled floor of the hallway. Gasps were heard all around as Victoria tried to get up to fight back but Fiona got down and held her head to the floor, "you are a whore who ruined my best friends life in ways you will never be able to understand, and no matter what you do for the rest of your life you will always be garbage." Fiona hissed warningly before getting up and walking away with me close behind.

"Thank you." I mumbled now with tears streaking my face.

"What the hell just happened?" Tyler approached us after watching what just went down.

"I had to deal with Victoria." Fiona stated proudly. Tyler registered the response before he put his arm around me and wiped the tears from my eyes and lightly kissed me.

"It's going to be okay I'm not going to lose you again." He mumbled into my ear.

"What?" I turned to him.

"I'm not going to let Cassandra send you away." Tyler told me kissing the side of my head as I made my way towards my locker.

"I think she may have won that battle Tyler." I reminded him "we can be like a normal high school couple though, that you know don't live together, you come to pick my up at my house instead of my room down the hall."

"I don't think we will ever be a normal couple."

"Oh and why not?"

"You're my cousin."

"You know a few months ago when we were first living together you made a big deal over the fact that we were step cousins." I smirked looked back at him as I took out my math book.

"I was trying to get you to go out with me then it's different now and the fact that we are cousins is kind of hot." Tyler returned the smirk wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed slightly shaking my head until I felt his two arms snake around my waist "don't you think?" He whispered softly in my ear. I shivered as I felt his hot breath on my neck.

"You know Tyler we never got to have the after party I was planning before." I trailed off not wanting to think about it. Tyler quickly spun me to face him.

"But Hannah after all that's happened?" He seemed shocked.

"I know" I tried to talk but the lump in my throat prevented much I swallowed "I know you won't hurt me and I need to forget everything that happened those few days."

"Hannah, I want you to think about this." Tyler told me seriously.

"I did." I promised him.

"Think more, when we have sex I don't want there to be a moment when you are not enjoying it or a moment after when you regret it." He told me holding my hands in front of me.


"Just think about it for one more day, for me. If tomorrow morning you still want to we can set a date and I'll come and pick you up at Fiona's that morning. I'll rent a nice hotel room and that entire day can be all about us." He promised me taking my hands in his and kissing them.

"Okay I'll think, but I don't think I'll change my mind." I told him as the bell wrung. I then turned and hurried off to my math class. When I strolled casually into class the everyone including the teacher turned to me in shock staring at me.

"Good morning Hannah I'm surprised to see you." Mr. Devon, my teacher, greeted me unsure watching me as if he expected me to have a mental breakdown at any moment.

"This is school." I raised my eyebrows quizzically.

"Hannah, your previous" he swallowed unsure to continue "situation it is all over the news and Internet, we are all fully aware of what has happened." He revealed to me. My heart almost stopped, everyone in school knew I had been kidnapped and raped.

"The past is the past and there is nothing I can do about it." I swallowed hard and sat down in the corner of the classroom tears threatening to spill over. I spaced out for the rest of class not bringing myself to look up from my open text book to meet any of the glances I was getting from the other students. When the saving bell finally sounded I stood and hurried quickly from the room.

"So it's true?" A old friend of mine named Tommy asked me timidly, appropriately unsure of whether or not he should be asking a question like that.

"Yes." I whispered jamming my books in my locker and retrieving my English stuff.

"If you ever need anything, I'm here for you." He attempted to place a hand on my shoulder but I flinched away tripping and falling on my back. Tommy extended an arm to help me, I didn't want to but again my body flinched and I slid back hurriedly. "Hannah." He tried to calm me as tears escaped my eyes and stained my face.

"Hannah!" I heard Tyler's voice emanate from down the hall panicked. "What the hell do you think your doing?" He approached Tommy violently gesturing to me.

"Nothing." Tommy stuttered obviously intimidated by Tyler who shoved him against the lockers.

"Really?" Tyler fumed overcome by anger, "you think it's funny to mess with her right now?" A small group had now formed around the scene.

"I was just talking to her nothing happened, she just freaked out." Tommy defended himself.

"Just freaked out, with nothing to provoke her." Tyler laughed under his breath before bringing his fist into Tommy's jaw. I screamed out catching Tyler's attention he grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet swiftly before pulling me out the door of the school.

"Tyler stop!" I pleaded still crying silently. He sat me down in the passengers seat and did my seat belt. Without a word he got in the driver's seat and sped away without strapping himself in. "Tyler, what are you doing? You are scaring me." I whimpered. He sighed and slowed down pressing his forehead against the wheel.

"We are leaving this town I am taking you as far away as possible." He told me strictly.

"What about school?"

"Fuck school." He pressed hard on the gas flying out of the parking lot.

"Why are you doing this?"

"The cops went back to pick up Danny that day, I just got a call" Tyler paused swallowing hard "he wasn't there."

Cliffhanger!!!! :D Comment/vote/fan bc the fatser you do the faster I will update! ;) and I apologize for how short this chapter is

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