The private beach

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Hey there u! Sorry I haven't updated in a while since my last update my cat and hamster both died it sucked! So anyway last chapter I asked you if you would like a chapter from Tyler's POV and I got a yes in every comment. So here it is a chpater in Tyler's POV.

And one of my bestest friends in the world just started writting her first book 'Same Secrets' its really good and she takes after me in amazingness so u should definatly check it out her username is juliaelizabeth1614 so make sure to read/vote/comment 4 her story my lovlies thanx luv and kit kats 4 every1!

Pic of Danny (a.k.a victoria's secret rapist guy) --->

Chapter 15:

** Tyler Sean **

I looked down at the top of Hannah's gorgeous hair and rested my chin on it as I focused on the television show and my taco. I felt her shift uncomfortably wrapped tightly in my arms, I moved my face so I was staring into her eyes.

"What?" She asked expectantly with a gigantic chunk of taco filling her mouth. I raised my eyebrows not able to stifle the laugh. Hannah swallowed quickly and glared at me sticking out her bottom lip as if she was pathetic. I imitated her face for a moment before leaning in and kissing her little bottom lip. I could feel her smile and I leaned in again and pressed my lips to hers placing my taco on the table same as her as she wrapped her long arms around my neck and held me close. I took my lips away from hers and stared into her eyes and seeing worry and fear flash through her expression.

"What's wrong?" I demanded. Hannah bit her lip and sat back from me.

"Nothing." She tried to lie but I stood and before she could stop me I lifted her with me, "Tyler! Put me down!" She screamed giggling uncontrollably in that way that could control me and make me do anything for her but I resisted.

"Nope." I told her popping the 'P' and taking her into the kitchen I grabbed some ice cubes from the freezer and placing her on the counter I smirked at her seductively before crashing my lips into hers for only a second and wrapping my arms around her I slid an ice cube down her shirt. Almost simultaneously she screeched.

"Tyler!" She yelled jumping off the counter and doing a cute little dance that I found sexy shaking around trying to get the ice cube out of her shirt. "What the hell!" She continued yelling after the ice dropped out of her shirt and broke all over the floor.

"Tell me what's wrong." I demanded crossing my arms and staring at her proudly. Hannah opened her mouth to talk but was stopped when someone banged on the door loudly. I jumped a little startled, but Hannah shot like lightening to answer the door.

"Sup loser." I heard an all too familiar female voice echo in my ears. I sighed heavily and slumped out to where Hannah was letting Fiona and her boyfriend Seth inside the house.

"Hello Fiona, so nice to see you again." I greeted her sarcastically smirking as Hannah glanced at me disdainfully.

"Aw Tyler its nice to see you too." Fiona responded placing a hand over her heart and blinking rapidly at me before she walked over and gave me a strangling hug. I widened my eyes and just stood there as Fiona squeezed me and Hannah broke out into fits of laughter. Fiona released me and gave me a winning 'fuck you' smile. I narrowed my eyes at her and was about to respond when Hannah yanked her away.

"I need to tell you some thing secret." She said in a panicked way emphasizing the word secret a lot. Fiona's eyes immediately widened in the same panic Hannah had.

"We need to go." Fiona stated and her and Hannah ran up to Hannah's room.

"You know what that was about?" Seth asked closing the front door and strolling over to me.

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