You taste like chocolate

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Hey I got 5 votes for chapter 1 so I will continue! :D Hope you like it! Tell me what you think! And your mission if u choose to accept it is to help me get another 5 votes for this chapter! lol Thanx, love <3 :D

Pic of Tyler---------------->


Chapter 2

When I woke up I was in a hospital, and a nurse was staring down at me. I fluttered my eyes opened and murmured.

"Mom, Dad? Where are you?" When I said that the nurse's eyes began filling with tears. I shot up when the entire days events came flooding back.

Tyler Sean, parents dying, me fainting. I jumped out of the bed and bolted to the curtain separating my bed from others. I yanked it down of the poll and saw my parent's beds with the sheets drawn up.

I ran over and yanked the sheets off to reveal the stone cold, hardened and paled bodies covered in dried blood in places.

I then began screaming tears running down my face and falling to the floor. "Mom! Dad! Wake up! Get up! You have to get up!"

I began shaking their bodies when I felt a needle go into my arm I fell to the ground unconscious again but when I fell I know I never let go of my Dad's hand until I was taken from him.

When I woke up again I was strapped down to a bed in a private room. There was a familiar boy sitting next to my bed snoring. I lay there in my bed completely unable to move as once again the days events filled my mind.

When I began to cry again my whimpers woke up the boy next to me. And without hesitation he ripped the straps off my arms and legs and hugged me.

"Shhhh Hannah, it's going to be ok." He whispered picking me up bridal style and sitting down on my bed with me in his lap clinging to him and crying.

I knew I was probably getting snot and tears all over him but I didn't care.

"You are going to come live with me, Aunt Cassandra, and Uncle Mike." He said soothingly. I glanced up towards him and saw it was Tyler. Tyler of all people!

"What." I stuttered still whimpering tears streaks staining my face. He kissed the top of my head before lying back with my head on his chest.

"Get some sleep, we will be home soon, and it will all be ok." He whispered softly kissing my ear and continuing to my cheek, I cleared my throat in hopes that he would stop. I was in too much pain from everything that had happened in the last 2 hours I had been at the hospital. Tyler couldn't kiss me; I didn't want anything more on my plate at the moment.

Tyler ignored the cough and went on he was at the side of my mouth before his lips met mine. He kissed me softly and slowly. No matter how soothing this was I didn't want it, I don't think I'll ever want it at this point.

"Tyler stop." I talked against his lips before pushing him away. "Don't please."

"You taste like chocolate." he whispered as he brushed my hair out of my face and got up. "I'm going to go find Cassandra." He told me, I nodded weakly as I laid back down on the cold bed and cryed before dozing wishing that when I woke I was back in my bed, and all this was just a terrible dream, and my parents are alive and Tyler is just another guy at school.

Hey guyssss sorry it was so short I promise the next chapter will be longer! Tell me what you think and NEVER forget to vote bc that would make me cry! lol don't make me cry, vote/comment! Thanx I love u!

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