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Heyy chapter 8 time woohoo! Ok so tI updated one night and woke up that morning with six votes already!! And it's kind of stupid but I cryed, I love u all for supporting me! It makes me so happy I giggle! lol anyway 5 votes? Thanx luv! <3 and please odn't forget to read 'Is it Enough to Love you' I havn't gotton around to real advertising because I am so lazy lol but I will and until then I really want your opinion on it!  Thanx again luv! =D <3

Chapter 8:

With Tyler's arm wrapped tightly around me we walked into the party. I could feel the eyes of other girls burning a hole in me.

I even heard some of them murmmer words like skank, slut, tramp, and hooker. And when the first 'hooker' was murmmered Fiona came busting through the crowd with a plastic cup full of what I could only asume was beer.

As soon as she got to me I smacked it out of her hand and she giggled weirdly at me before turning around and yelling at the girls calling me names.

"Hey! Listen up bitchesss!" she yelled strecthing out 'bitches' "No one! Calls her a hooker except me! And further more if I hear it again this plastic cup!" She yelled picking up the cup "Is going up someone's ass! And it wouldn't be to hard girls because you're flabby ass is sagging out of the back of your dresses!"

I covered my face with my hands as Fiona bounced away leaving a bunch of girls pulling their skirts down in the back. One girl confronted Fiona as she walked away.

"What about your flabby ass we don't need to see that!" She yelled, Fiona turned on her instantaniously and shouted.

"I'll have you know sags it's like two fresh apples back here!"

I turned to Tyler.

"Hey want to like not stand in this spot anymore?"

He laughed bending down and brushing his lips against mine. "Anything you want."

"Tyler." I whispered "Why are you acting like this?" I whispered

"I just want to show off to the whole school that you are mine and I am yours." I bit my lips at his suggestion.

"I didn't know we had decieded on that." I pointed out. Tyler smiled and tryed to go for my neck but I pushed him off with one hand.

"Um... I'm going to go hang out with Fiona." I told him before turning on my heal and struting away in the direction Fiona had gone.

When I finally found Fiona she had another cup of beer in her hand.

"Fiona don't drink that!" I shouted at her over the music.

"Why not?" Fiona whinned "And why aren't you and Tyler together like right now?"

"Because he said that I am his like property." I explained to Fiona. She lowered the cup from her lips slowley.

"That's not all that happened." She stated.

"Dam it Fiona! How do you do that?" I exclaimed.

"Spill it what was the whole sentence?" Fiona asked smirking.

"I am yours and you are mine." I murmmered.

"Aw! That is so sweet! You guys are going to get married and run away to like Hawaii!" Fiona exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.


"Or Ma-hi Ma-hi!"

"That's a sandwhich." I told her raising my eyebrows. Fiona laughed and then looked at me confused and smirking.

"What Tyler said was so sweet, why are you mad at him you douche?"

"I don't know." I admitted "I guess it scared me."

"Hannah! You know how many flabby ass litt-"

"Oh and I loved your speech." I cut her off sarcasticly. We both laughed.

"Now as I was saying go get him or else some hooker is going to start grinding him."

When Fiona said that even the thought made me begin to heat up with jealousy. I nodded quickley before spinning on my heal and walking away.

"Yeah Hannah you go get that hooker!" Fiona shouted and when she did a bunch of girls looked at her. She smiled sweetly. "Not you hookers a different one, probably."

I laughed walking away. I went out side and scanned the yard until my eyes fell on Tyler and sure enough there was some girl trying to grind him and here and there trying to makeout with him.

I knew inside it would be happening but when I saw it was it kind of hurt. I just stood there staring at Tyler for a minuet until his eyes fell on me and he immediatly ran over to me.

"Hannah I'm sorry. I was trying to push her off but she wouldn't go I swear." He pleaded. I knew he was telling the truth and I wasn't mad... at him.

I walked over to the girl who was grinding him and before I could stop myself I raised my hand and smacked the shit out of the girl.

She glared at me before attacking me and I fought back visiously scratching and kicking before I felt two hands close around my waist and lift me away from the girl and carry me away. I didn't fight back as I was thrown over someone's shoulder and carried away.

When I was put down I was in Tyler's truck and he was staring at me smiling.

"Hey are you ok?" He asked me still smiling. I nodded.

"Yes I'm fine." I told him.

"That was pretty intense back there." He said raiseing his eyebrows at me.

I smiled at him "You really like me?" I asked looking down at my hands.

He laughed "Yes."

"I think I like you too." I finally aditted sheepishly. I heard Tyler sigh before I felt his hand bring my chin up, and he placed his lips slowley on mine.

And for the first time I really wanted it.

So yeah chapter 8 hope u liked it! Comment and vote! and don't forget to check out my Josh Hutcherson love story! Thanx luv!

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