The Cat is my mate ~chapter 6 ~ Deer diary pt1

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                                         ANGEL P O V

              Deer diary my name is Angel  Stamford  i am only 12 years old i was scared to day in school because of my  PE Teacher his name is Lukas Jones.  After i got dressed in my PE clothes i went to join the other's in the hallway and Mr Jones said that we were doing sport out side today so he sent the girls out side and let me tell you it was cold out today we was stood out side for less than five minuet's before i said, Mr Jones can i go use the toilet please and he said " yes Angel my little rose you can '' i was shocked he called me his little rose so any way i went to the toilet and then washed my hand's i was drying them when i heard the door open and close that was when i felt some one brush up against me then pushed me up against the wall and tighten there arm around my waist i was shaking in fear i heard him say  

" i love you're smile the way you walk i also love the way you help people like the homeless and the disadvantaged people  and do thing's not many other people do like doing selfless thing's''.

He turned me to face him i was crying and he went to kiss me so i did the only thing i could think of i screamed and scratched his face and i ran out of the girl's toilet's and i ran to the changing room changed in to my clothes and ran out of school and went to a cafe and got myself and Martha ( Martha is a homeless lady because her husband was Abusive to her so she left and became homeless so now Angel looks After her)   a coffee and salad barm each then i walked over to the park to where i knew Martha would be.

* A flash back to when Angel is only five *

Mom why does daddy hurt you " what do you mean Angel '' why does daddy hit you to make you get those marks on you're face '' my tiny self asked my mom i think i was only about three or four but anyway i was curious at that age why my mom never stopped him.      " i don't know what you are talking about honey you need to stop asking question's now before you're dad get's home ok ''

OK hey mom what are you making '' why do you ask ''  well it smells nice and i want to start eating it now is it done yet , i smiled at this part of the memory and do you want to know what happened next i will tell all of you. " Angel can you put the plate's and thing's on the table ''  yes mom i can do that so i start to put a the red table cloth over the table then i start to put the knives and forks and the spoons down on the table mom i put everything on the table  " have you put the plate's down on the table ''    no mom i can't reach the plate's and i don't know how many you want on the table ''  is you're dad home yet honey '' no not yet mom and you didn't get me the plate's  '' OK Angel here are the plate's ''  so i started to put the plate's on the table then dad came home and scared me so what do i do i dropped the plate and it smashed everywhere and daddy hit me over and over again and shouting at me saying '' You are a very stupid little girl why did you drop the plate'' I 'me sorry daddy but you scared me (little me said and let me tell you when my mom walked in she was terrified at what she saw) '' You dare to blame me you little bitch you will seriously pay for that''

''What is going on in there'' my mom shouted then walked in to the living room and saw me unconscious and I don't know what happened next because I woke up in the hospital 7 months later and I prayed I was saved by an Angel.

               Next memory of when Angel turned 6

"Angel we are moving to Arizona and you will be going to a school on the pascua rezervation to try and get a away from your dad so he won't hurt us any more ok''    ok mom  when do we get there and can i make freinds please mom. '' we are going to get on a plane and then a car ride then when we get ther if it is still day time you can make freinds other wise you have to wait till the next day alright now we may as well try to get some sleep'' mom can i have a drink and something to eat please  i am starting to get hungwy  ( i only just woke up when i asked that and incase you was wondering why mom took me and ran away from dad is because he tried to kill me and then started beating on my mom but the last thing he did to me was beat me sobad because i dropped a plate when i was 5 it fell and smashed every where and he blamed me when he scared me half to death then tried to finish with him beating me the rest of the way he even stopped me from going to school so the bruises would heal that night mom got a plate and a frying pan and hit him over the head with them and fled the house).

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