The Cat is my mate~chapter 6~ DEAR DIARY PT2

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                                Dear Diary    

My name is Angel and i am 13 years old and i have left school because right now i'm being home schooled by my adopted mom Cara today we went out so we could buy ourselves some new clothes and shoes and also underwear then we bought food for the kitchen we was running a little low on it considering we live in a secluded place so i can shift to my cat i have also found out that my cat is called Tiger Lilly Layland Daffodil (THE NAME OF MY SISTER FIRST CAT WHICH ALSO LOOKED LIKE THE SECOND TIGERLILLY) and also she told me that i am special and said that i have a total of 4 other mates well i found a scent today and i hav'nt found the scent yet but i will soon and also i have shifted in to a biger wild cat so i have to be carefull i also found out that this cat looks like a ioness but also like a couger or something and she was on of the protectors of the moon goddess her self and the ild cat's name is NYLA or as  call her NALA and oh i all most for got later me and mom is going to go out for dinner tonight at the local cafe and then we are going to see if that scent is there so now i am going to get ready because we leave in twenty minutes.

            Dear DIary

tonight we found that scent i littrly bumbed into him because someone pushed me into hm and then he turned round then hit me five times in the face and then continued to beat me and then rejected me i say that was for the best so i only have 2 more to find and then see what happens next.

one year later

Dear Diary i have turned 14 today and we have moved home to a different part of the forrest and i have changed into a Black Jagar/Puma the fur is so blak it has blutint almost like  midnight blue but any way she is powerful and her name is RIVER and she told me that i also have wereWolf genes inside of me also i could have a total of five mates instead of four but 2 have rejected me up to now so i think i will find another mate today any way.

hello diary mom an i have just come back from shopping and i have found my third mate and rejecte him he cheated on me he was stunned because he was going to try and react me first but i beat him to it so now i only have 2 more mates to find god help me.

three weeks later i turned into another cat i turned in to a Cheater/ snowleopard mix also powerful her name is Violet because she likes the flower or s she said and i aslso got rejected agin because he thought i was ugly and not worthy of his love so that leaves one last mate and i'm not looking forward to finding him what if he reject's me like the other jerks have done i dont think i can handle any more rejection.


one year later in miami

      Dear Diary 

i am now fifteen i also changed a lot and we moved to miami and we joined the pack they have a pack school for werewolves but i'm not one so i will go to a human scool and i am terrified of the thought  and we all know why that is don't we. 

So i have a feeling that i will find my mate soon i hope he won't reject me like the other's have done and guess what we had to move because my dad and Mr Jones found us i also got told that i am a freak by a other shifter but i now the truth because i saw the jealousy in her eye's so RIVER took over and killed her then ran after that she told what she did and that she was sorry but hat was in vegas and now were in a safe haven for now.

     1week  and five days later

       i smelt his being MrJones scent and i don't like it itwas all over the forrest and  went to my bedroom and his scent stunk it out something shocking any way i went to my closset and took out a black top and a pair of  red shorts then went to y underwear drawer and found it in disary he went snooping in that drawer so i went back to my closset and got out a new pair of panties and a new bra then went for a shower.then got out dryed my self off got dressed brushed my teeth and then went to went to sleep and started dreaming of a beutiful wolf.

Well i have been going to Miami Coral High School for a few days nearlly a week and then me and my freind's got transfered to the pack hihg school and we are not alowed to shift i also keep dreaming of the beautiful wolf i can't wait to see if he turns up and is my mate will he reject me?.

so any way acording to Alpha CHATAN i will find my last mate soon he said there is another Alpha on his way and is Ntive American indian and is a werewolf  that is looking for his Soulmate and his age is nearlly 20 that is ok though because in one week i turn 16.


  And i found out that one of my freind's might bethe Mate of Alpha Samual while momis Alpha CHATAN mate but because mom is half Angel from HEaven she can't mate with him until mom can talk to the moon goddess  you see now my mom is basicly a Angel because she stoped shifting in to her animal year's ago.

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