Poll Leaderboard

939 38 22

Tomorrow (Sunday US time) at 12:00 pm is when I decide which story is the winner. You still have time to keep voting.

There are NO rules how you vote on the poll. I don't care how many times you vote the same story. As long as I can see the numbers that's what matters to me.

DO NOT TAKE YOUR VOTES TO THIS PAGE. GO TO THE POLL. I won't count it if you place your votes here.

1st place: Daughter of Zeus (71 votes)

2nd place: The First Chapter of HP x ROR AND The Sea Tyrant's Obsession *TIED* (54 votes)

3rd place: Obsession For The Fox (24 votes)

4th place: The First Chapter of Death Note x ROR (20 votes)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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The Sea Tyrant's Obsession (PJO x ROR) 18+ WTM/WTS Book 1Where stories live. Discover now