Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Selena's POV...

I grabbed the eggs and bacon out of the fridge and put them on the counter. I pulled out two pans and started cooking. "Hey girls breakfast is ready." I yelled. No one budged. I ran into the den and pulled the covers then ran upstairs and started jumping on the bed yelling. "GET UP!!!" Brenda fell off the bed and Mahogany came out of the bathroom. " I was up when I heard you say food." We all laughed.

After Breakfast

Jade's POV...

      I woke up freezing. I smelled food so i went into the kitchen to look and found my phone on the counter, that's not where I left it. Selena must have put it there. I unlocked it and looked to see if I had any messages. There was one from Jack, I got this at 7:30 this morning. Selena went through my messages, I don't believe her! I stormed upstairs and into her room. "WHAT THE HELL, SEL. WHY ARE YOU GOING THROUGH MY FUCKING PHONE. I AM NOT A CHILD, NOT YOURS ANYWAYS!" I screamed at her. "I'm sorry Jade I know I shouldn't have. It vibrated and i got curious." She said guiltily. " Sel I'm not just mad that you went through my messages but I can't trust you anymore."I said a little lower this time. "Jade don't you think your being a little dramatic. I mean it was just a few texts." Mahogany spoke up. " NO I DON'T THINK I'M BEING DRAMATIC. YOU CAN ALL GO TO HELL FOR ALL I CARE SCREW YOU." I said now infuriated. "Harsh much." Brenda mumbled."You know what Jade your right I was wrong but that's no reason for you to be a total bitch. Get out of my house and don't come back. I'm not gonna deal with all my drama and then have you add onto it. Just get out." Selena said. I didn't bother responding,I just went downstairs grabbed my things and left.

Selena's POV...

I asked all the girls to leave. I just wanted to hang out by myself today. My phone vibrated so I picked it up to check it. It was from Sam.

Sammy: Hey, I saw Jade storm out of your house this morning. What happened?

Me: She got pissed at me because I read her texts. So I asked her to leave. 

Sammy: Can I come over? :)

Me: Yea sure. Can you pick up some food :) ?

Sammy: Be right over. Haha what do you want to eat from McDonalds?

Me: A quarter pounder meal with a sweet tea and a M&M mcflurry.

Sammy: Okay 

Me: I literally love you right now. 

Sammy: I know

Me: I'll pay you back

Sammy: Don't worry about it babe.

Me: See you in a few

Sammy: K

End of Convo

     I slipped on some black shorts and a black Hard Candy hoodie, and walked downstairs into the den and put in 22 Jump Street. I was sitting on the couch when I heard the door open. So I got up to see who it was but no one was there. I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room and called Sammy then someone knocked on my door. "Selena it's me." Sammy said laughing hysterically. I hung up the phone and unlocked the door. "It's not funny..." I said pushing him playfully. " I thought you were some kind of murderer." He laughed even harder. "In the middle of the day. You knew I was coming over." I giggled "True." I started walking downstairs and headed towards the den. I sat down on the couch and reached into the McDonalds bag to grab my food. Sam came and sat next to me with his food. 22 Jump Street was over so we put on American Horror Story. Halfway through the 3rd episode I felt a large hand on my thigh. I looked at Sammy and smirked I guess he noticed the look I gave him because he slid his hand up my thigh and smirked at me.

Sammy's POV...

I slid my hand up her thigh and smirked at her. She looked away and blushed I grabbed her face gently and just held her face up to mine. 

Selena's POV...

I felt his minty breath on my lips and struggled to not kiss him but I couldn't help it and I kissed him so passionately. After our kiss I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep listening to the steady beat of his heart. 

1 Hour Later...

       I woke up in my bed and saw Sammy getting ready to leave. "Can you stay?" I asked quietly. "If you want me to." I smiled as he climbed into the bed and got under the covers. We talked for hours about anything we could think of. "What turns you on?" He asked me. " When you slid your hand up my thigh I was turned on." He smirked. "Oh really." "Uh huh. What about you?" I asked. "Call me daddy and run your hands through my hair when we're kissing. That's what turns me on." I followed his directions and climbed onto his lap. Intensely kissing him while running my fingers through his hair. I slowly grinded on him and he let out a loud moan. He bit my lip which made me moan as well. He slowly took off our shirts and kissed down my neck leaving hickey's. "Uhhh daddy." I moaned. He smirked and rolled off of me onto the other side of the bed. I looked at him in disbelief and rolled onto my side. He tried to wrap his arms around my waist but I pushed him away. "What's wrong." He asked me. I ignored him. "Babe, what's wrong. Please tell me what I did wrong." I looked at him. "Why'd you stop?" I asked. " I knew if I didn't stop there I wouldn't have been able to control myself." He said while slowly sliding his thumb back and forth across my cheek. "What if I didn't want you to stop?" I asked a little disappointed. "Babe, even if you wanted to... you know. I still would've stopped. I want our first time to be special." I giggled a bit at how cute he was."Why are you laughing." He questioned. "Your just so cute." Before I knew it I was once again put to sleep by the steady beating of Sammy's heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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