23 you leave him

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A/N guys I'm gonna be doing part 2 to 22 soon but I'm doing this first okay bye 😘

Me and Nash had been dating for 5 years and as soon as we finished school we bought an apartment together, he even asked me to marry him at the age of 18
We planned to get married but after a while we just stopped talking about it and saying I was his fiancé meant nothing

Our relationship went dull, we argued occasionally but it wasn't that

We didn't do a lot of things together
I turned into plain house wife doing everything which was something he said would never happen

I cooked for him
I cleaned for him
I bought everything
Went grocery shopping on my own he did nothing

He had a job for a bit but he ditched that so he was at home all day doing nothing but he did go out occasionally with friends but not very often

I worked
Everyday apart from weekends and on the Friday I came home from work and I was kinda late I normally finished at 3:30pm but I came home at 5:45pm because I had to stay for some things

I got back and Nash was sitting like he always was

"Where were you, you normally make dinner at like 5." He said

"No hi then?" I asked

"Sorry hi." He said blankly

"You can cook your own dinner can't you?" I asked and he stood up and he stood In front of me and put a piece of hair behind my ear

"So who's the lucky boy then?" He asked

"What, I'm late Once so you ask that." I said

"Well yeah, so is he better than me then?" He asked

"No because there is no one else." I said and I took his hand tryin to not be bothered by it

"Fine, I believe you this time." He kinda laughed

I went and I made him dinner, he didn't say what he wanted so I made him this pasta thing

I took it to him and he took it from me then laughed

"What's this, I don't want this." He said

"Okay." I said simply and I put my hand out to take the plate and he gave it to me

As I walked away I threw it on the floor and it went everywhere the plate smashed and everything

"The Fuck you do that for?" He asked

"MAKE YOUR OWN FUCKING DINNER THEN!" I yelled then I went upstairs  where he followed me

"Hey you need to clean that up." He told me

"Your dinner so you clean it the fuck up." I told him

"What's all this? Why are you havin a go at me, you made me something I didn't want I told you about it, the sensible thing to of done was ask me what I wanted and made that instead." He said


"What do you mean you've had enough it's one damn thing I could've done it if it was to much fucking trouble." He said

"THATS THE PROBLEM you don't do anything and then you complain to me it's really frustrating." I told him

"I do things." He said

"Go on then what do you do, you don't even sleep with me in the same room anymore but you wanna call me your wife I'm sorry but it isn't gonna work that way." I told him and he started to realise what I was saying

"I'll sleep with you baby, are you tired we can sleep now if you want." He said

"No Nash it's not enough." I told him, he tried to take my hand, but I let go

"You do know I love you though right." He said "right?"

"No, I don't, I don't know what you do anymore you do fuck all." I said sadly

"But one thing I've never done is cheat on you." He said

"And neither have I but you just accused me." I said

"It was a joke." He told me

"Why didn't I laugh then?" I asked

He didn't answer
He leaned down and kissed me I kissed back then I pulled away and I looked down

"I love you babe." He said

"It doesn't feel right anymore, I'm sorry." I said

"It's okay because you know what I'm gonna change, I will I'll change and you'll be like The fuck happened to bad Nash but bad Nash wot exists anymore because the Nash you had before will come back and I'll throw this bad Nash away okay, so just trust me I'll-" He was crying as he was saying it but I stopped him talking

"No, I need you to trust me this time, it's over." I said I took off my ring and I gave it him

"But I-" I stopped him again

"That was never going to happen anyway we would've never shared the last name anyway." I said and he like slid down the wall and was crying

I bent down to him and I kissed him, he tried to kiss back but he was crying so much.

I pulled away and he looked at me

"I dont want you to leave me, you can't leave me." He said

"It's for the best." I said

I got all my stuff and I left
He messaged me loads and he still messages me sometimes

I talk to him over call sometimes because he has a drinking problem I try to say we are Friends but he doesn't like it he says really dirty think about our old times sometimes and I just laugh but really I'm tryin to help him

I will help him
I still love him

A/n WHO WANT part 2 to this one!!!
I'll update soon


Nash Grier Dirty/Sad ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now