3 'ill prove i love you'

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Me and Nash were arguing because if him being distant and I told him I was leaving.

"Go on then I don't care, it's not like you haven't said it before anyway!, you bitch." Nash shouted as I was packing my bag,
I can't believe he would actually say I'm a bitch it upset me but I didn't let it show else he's won then and I can't let that happen.

I walked down the stairs past Nash,

"Y your not actually going are you?" Nash asked nervously.

"Yes Nash I am, you don't even call me babe anymore but you call me a bitch, what sort of relationship is that eh because it doesn't seem like a good one to me!" I half shouted, I turned around to walk away but Nash stopped me and turned me around, I flinched so he wouldn't hit me and he let go of me,

"Why,d you flinch?" He asked confused.

"I thought you were gonna hit me." I told him.

"Babe I would never hit you." He said to me and I half smiled, he hugged me and I pulled away then picked up my bag,

"Bye Nash." I said sadly.

"Your not really going right." He said anxiously.

"Yeah I told you our relationship isn't what it used to be, it isn't good anymore." I told him and sighed

I picked up my bag to leave and Nash kissed me softly but passionately, I kissed back and ran my hand through his hair and tugged slightly making him moan, he felt me up and down then bit my bottom lip playfully and I moaned, then I realised what He was doing and I pulled away and bit my bottom lip.

"Nash you can't use sex to get out of this." I said looking down.

"It's not sex it's love." He said trying to kiss me again but I pushed him slightly away from me,

"You gotta let me go." I kissed his cheek and he looked down.

"I don't want to, and I'm not gonna,
I love you too much." He said,

He pushed me against the counter and put his hands on the counter by my sides so I couldn't escape.

He kissed me hard then rested his waist against me turning me on slightly then he pulled away.

"Do you love me?" He asked.

"Nash of corse I love you but-"
He kissed me once slowly then pulled away.

"Then you will let me make love to you." He said. "And this isn't just going to be meaningless sex, I will make our relationship better babe I promise." He promised me then starred at me or a moment.

"Okay I won't go but this is the last time Nash I swear." I told him.

"Okay I'll make it up to you." He leaned down and kissed me with love and once again the sparks flew above
Me, he pushed me harder against the counter but did everything carefully, he was really going to prove how much he loved me.

"Nash you don't have to do this." I told him.

"Yes I do because I've started it now, and plus you turned me on now anyway, now could you please stop talking I'm trying to prove I love you." He said jokily

I laughed a little then I pulled him closer to me and he kissed me again,

I pulled away and took off my shirt then I tugged at His shirt and he took it off, then he carried me into our room and I lay and waited for him.
He hovered over me and kissed down my stomach and when he got to my area, took off my pants and did the same to him.

"I love you babe. He said kissing me softly.

"I love you to." I answered.

"I'm gonna make this perfect okay, I promise." He took my hand and kissed it then hovered over me.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"No." I honestly answered.

"Why not? Don't you want me." He leaned down closer and kissed me once.

"Yeah but I'm nervous." I said.

"Oh damn I forgot, you haven't done it before have you, it's okay I'll be gentle," He told me holding my hand.

"I trust you." I smiled.

As he entered me he held my hand and gripped it tighter every time he went deeper.

"You okay." He said biting his bottom lip.

"Yeah." I pulled him down and he kissed me softly as he moved slowly,

After a while of being slow he moaned.

"Mmm." He said biting his bottom lip hard.

"W what's up?" I asked.

"I I need to be faster babe, it's okay I'll hold you hand." He said.

"Okay." I answered.

He went faster and moaned loudly and I did too.

"I fucking love you." Nash said clenching his jaw.

"Mmm." Was all I could answer.

After a while He slowed his pace down,

"Oh fuck I'm close." He said, I took my hand from his but he held it again.

"Mmm no I need that." He kinda smiled.

"Oh fuck Nash babe." I moaned.

"Yeah c'mon baby cum for me."he moaned.

"Fuck I'm nearly there." He moaned and he collapsed on top of me.
He kissed me once,
"I love you." He said.

"I love you to." I smiled and kissed his cheek, he lay next to me holding my hand then we fell asleep.

I wanted to make it perfect for Y/N becUse I've been distant from her for so long and I wanted to prove to her I love her, she hadn't done it before so I tried to be extra gentle because I dot wanna hurt her ever, it was hard though because I've never been the one a girl has lost their vaginity to but I hope it was good enough because I love her so much.

A/N sorry if this is trashy but it's like 4:24am and I gotta be up for school at 7:00am so I better go to sleep.
I'll update tomorrow
Luvs 💕

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