2: My Mate

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  • Dedicated to Partner in Crime <3


"Oh shit is exactly right, Rose." I said as Trist growled under his breath.

He took over the parenting role when Mom and Dad left. There were about 5 buff guy standing outside our door, Behind him we could easily see 10 wolves hiding in the bushes. Who knows how many more are out side? Standing in front of them was the leader. Who it was ... was someone i did not expect to ever EVER see again.


ADARA POV ( POV= Point of view. Lol i was stupid enough to not get it at first. hehe )

I saw him, my jade green eyed person, standing there with those guys who were chasing me and two other ones. One is young like around 17. The other had to be 14. I could smell them from here. Hmmm.... Alpha..... Beta....... Oh Crap. There is a whole pack here! Damn!

"May we come in, Alpha?" My jade green eyed person asked. Hit scent hit me like a ton of bricks. Alpha was obviously the first scent i smelled but i smelled something else. I couldn't put my finger on it. It was intoxicating. I took everything i had in my body not to run over to him and kiss him. The need to do was strong. It was like it was testing my control.

"Jas, Rose, i need you to go to into Addy's room and stay there." Tris said glancing at them using our mind link.

"Why?" Rose whined

"Because" I snapped "My room is the only room with more than one exit." They grumbled but went to my room and we didn't move until we heard it lock.

A throat was cleared "Alpha? May we come in to your house?" He asked again

"Yes" I said "Only Alpha and Beta." He nodded as i got up with the help of Tristan

"But- But Brody... Don't leave me out there with them!" I heard a little boy whine to one of them. It turns out it was the 14 year old. Aww.

"Follow me" Tristan said as he ushed Brody and the other four into the house before closing the door.

"Trist, I said Beta and Alpha only" I growled . I hate it when he doesn't listen to me. Damn Alpha gene born into the both of us. Grrr.

"Yeah, well i brought them all in." He said while coming to sit in our study area. They all sat down on the couch across from me.

I brought the big chair from the desk for me to sit in so i could put my foot on Trist's lap. Him and Declan sat on the couch next to me so we were facing them - well they were. i was facing in the middle.

Trist...Can i handle this one?? I asked him in my mind

Sure but i will interven if i need to. He said glancing at the people.

"Alright boys. What can we do for you on this fine day?" I asked.

In Love With Her But Mated To AnotherWhere stories live. Discover now