9B: Eliza { The Date...Continued }

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“Hey. It’s not my fault that they quieter than me!” She laughed

“Whatever floats your boat.” I laughed back

“I just think that guy had issues. “ She told me

“I think so too.” I told her as the waiter came back and handed me my credit card. I got up and held my hand out to Irena so she could get up. Once she did, I pulled away we walked toward the door.

“Come again.” The waiter grumbled.

“I wonder why he didn’t say soon.” She asked jokingly

“Probably because they don’t want us back soon.” I joked.

“Probably.” She laughed and we went on our way to the arcade.

I paid for entrance and they gave us a wristband that shows we paid to get in. I pulled out a twenty dollar bill and went to the change machine so it would change the bill into nickels for the games. After I did I turned around and saw someone I didn’t expect to see.

“What are you doing here?” I asked


"What are you doing here?" I asked the girl that stood behind me. Her blonde hair waved around her angel face. Her green eyes that resembled diamonds shined with amusement. Her pink lips were in a small smile as she watched me be in disbelief. She was wearing a yellow dress that seemed to fit her frame perfectly. Her light skin was the only thing that reminded me of what she was. She was not human nor werewolf but the one thing we were supposed to hate - a vampire. All though she looked more human than vampire but that is probably because she was changed into a vampire.

Their kind has only two ways into vamprism; either born into it or changed by the exchange of blood. Eliza was forced into the second option. She never wanted to be a vampire- at all. She knew werewolves and vampire's did not get along at all so she did the one thing she thought she could; find a pack of werewolves. She did find a pack of werewolves...... my pack. I don't want go get into detail because I hate remembering what happened. 

"Wow, Chase. No hello?"  Her musical voice rang out to me. That snapped me out of my trance.

"Hey, what are you doing here!" I said happily as i hugged Eliza. I ignored the sickly sweet smell coming from her. Vampire's happen to have a sweet smell to attract their prey but since us werewolves have heightened sense of smell; they smell too sweet to us that it can be sickening. We smell really woodsy to them.

"I thought our meeting was today, wasn't it?" She asked me

"Oh crap, Lies! I totally forgot! My bad." I apologized to her

She laughed " It's okay. It gives me more time away from the castle." 

Eliza was the best friend to the Queen's daughter. That's right. Vampire's have Kings and Queens. We werewolves , thank god, aren't under monarchy anymore. We used to be a couple of centuries ago but it decided against it since it was bringing the wolves more against each other than we already were. We decided to have one Alpha be in charge of one pack and attempt peace but sadly some packs don't want peace. They want ruthless murder and bloodbaths of not only vampire's but some wolf packs!

"Speaking of the castle, how is A- Princess Annabelle doing?" I asked. I stuttered over Princess because I forgot she had a title. I was only allowed to call her Anna to her face. I grabbed my nickels and walked over to a skid ball machine. It had separate holes with numbers on them. It went from 10 at the bottom to two 100 holes at the top. You get tickets based on your score.

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