8: Waking Up

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Copyright © 2011 Katrina Meneses

All rights reserved


 &&&& Adara POV &&&&

I blacked out from the pain that's all I could remember. Pain, pain, pain.... I was super freaking sore but I was confused. How am I alive? Not that I don't mind because hey I want to live. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I tried to sense my surroundings. Was I in wolf form or human form? Ehh. I was too tired to remember. 

"Addy..." A voice said. I was too tired to recognize it. Mind you that I almost died. You know what... Almost dying sucks.

"Addyyyy." The voice said again. Oh gosh! Will it not shut up.

"Adara." The voice said sharper.

"shut up, why don't you. your voice is annoying the hell out of me." I grumbled. The voice finally shut up. Thank god. My body was so sore though. It hurt.

"WAKE UP PRINCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The voice shouted in my ear.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!" I screamed as I jumped up. My eyes shot open and my body was immediately in pain over the sudden movement.

I saw Rose next to me laughing her face off while the others in the room were super silent. I looked all around the room. I was in my bedroom. I only saw Jasper and Micha with her.

"Where's Declan and Tristan?" I croked out. My throat was so damn sore. It hurt. Rose's face sobered up.

"In the other room. They are really ashamed with themselves." She said. She looked super tired.

"Why would they be ashamed with themselves?" I asked

She looked surprised " You don't remember?" She asked

" No. What happened? Are they OKAY?" I started freaking out. My voice getting louder toward the end.  Were they hurt? Were they in pain? Why aren't they here with me?

"Calm down okay and i'll explain." She said. I took a deep breath and a new scent flashed threw my nose. It took me a second to realize it was Rose.

"You smell bad." I told her. She didn't smell that bad, it's just that she smelt different.

"Thanks for the ego boost" She said sarcastically "now stop getting me off topic." She scolded.

"WellwhenMichaandImatedyou,DecalanandTristancameinandtriedtoattackmebecauseyouguysthoughtIwasaninturderbutIwasn'tbutyousavedmebyattackingthembutthentheyturnedonyouandtheyalmostkilledyouifMichadidn'tknowhowtosaveyou." She said in one breath.

"What?" I chuckle. She spoke so fast that I could hardly understand her

"Well when Micha and I mated... you,Declan,and Tristan in and tried to attack me because you guys thought I was an intruder but I wasn't but you saved me by attacking them but then they turned on you and they almost killed you if Micha didn't know how to save you." She said slower.

"Wow." I whispered. They attacked me? For protecting my baby sister.

"They were in wolf form but you were half and half." She said as she grabbed my hand.

" I-I don't remember anything." I said truthfully. I'm glad that I didn't remember. She said I almost died. So it must have been really bad. "Wait.Wait.Wait. You said if Micha didn't know how to save me. What do you mean?" I was confused.

" Well. After you told me to run to Micha-" She said

"I told you to go to Micha?" I asked. She gave me an irritated look.

"Yes. Now stop interrupting me." She scolded again " I told him that you were in trouble and were going to die because I could feel your pain through the mind link. He said he knew how to save you but we needed to make sure our brothers were away from you. So I distracted them while Micha healed you." She said smiling.

"How did he heal me?" I asked.

"That's for him to say. Not me." She said softly.

"How did you heal me?" I asked, turning to Micha who was by the wall. He looked slightly pale and really tired.

"I gave you some of my blood. It's something my pack has always done to avoid physical pain. We learned that taking blood from each other helps heal the other. You needed a lot of blood. So Rose and I gave you blood. Mostly me though." He said. No wonder he looked so pale and tired.

"Thank you." I said truthfully. My eyes stung with tears at his action. That was really nice of him.

"Welcome. Well Rose, I need to get home. I don't wanna Chase to worry about where I am. He has enough on his plate with the competition and Sienna. Mae will probably come looking for me soon." He rambled.

"Competition?" I asked. What competition.

"Uh-h-h. You don't know?" He stuttered out

"No. Tell me." I tried to persuade him

" It's for either Chase or Tristan to say. Not me." He smiled meekly

"Tristan?" I asked. I was confused again. What did Tristan have to do with this competition thingy that Micha was talking about?

"I said too much. Bye Adara. Bye Rose." He kissed Rose's head and fled the room before I could ask anymore questions.

"What was that about?" I asked Rose.

"I don't know, Addy, I don't know." She said glancing at the door as if it were some puzzle she needed to figure out.  Jasper, who was silent throughout this whole exchange, came over to put a hand on Rose's shoulder. She smiled and leaned back against him. She was happy for the piece as well.

For a moment, I had peace but I didn't like it. I wanted Tristan and Declan to be here with me. I wanted them to say sorry so I can forgive them already and hug. Then I could ask Tristan about the competition later. I just wanted my family around me. I didn't need anybody else. 


Copyright © 2011 Katrina Meneses

All rights reserved


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