Chapter Three

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The last few, solitary days, I have done nothing but shit. When Mark does stuff like this, I can't see anyone until everything goes away, or at least the ones that are visible. So I have to entertain my self. But the thing is, I have a very low attention span. But a very creative imagination.

I have watched tv, finished my book, and almost all of the food is gone. Now I am bored. Bored out of my mind. I tried to play video games but I couldn't get into it. I've gotten out my old dominos set and put them in one of those things where you push them down and they make a piece of art, but I gave up about half way through. I've even put on all of my sweaters at the same time. I walked around yelling, "I'M A MOTHER FUCKING MARSH MELLOW!" But then I fell over. Best decision of my life.

But, I grew bored once again. Currently I'm sitting on the couch staring at my cat. I have no idea what to do. My cat lazily looks at me through squinted eyes. I glare at him.

"Why does your life have to be so perfect?" I speak out into the silence. His ears perk up but his eyes stay planted on me. "You know, just because you're a cat doesn't mean you're the queen. I'm over here haulin' ass trying to survive and you get food fucking served to yeh." The cat's eyes widen a bit and look behind me. He sits up and stretches his hind legs, yawning. His tail waves easily through the air, eyes still trailed at me. "Oh, what the hell. You are queen, you lil' bitch." I say to him. He jumps off the chair opposite of mine and waddles over to the food bowl. I groan.

My life is so boring right now. I wish I had more friends. But being in this relationship with Mark has its tolls. I can't have too many friends. The risk of them finding out is too high. I only have Calum and Renoll.

Renoll is my only girl friend. She practically grew up with me. We met as babies because our mothers knew each other. We spent every single living moment moment together. I loved it. Everything was perfect between us. No drama, no boys, no stupid school plays. We were together always.

Then I moved to Utah. Yes, yes. The state of Mormans! Yay! Not really. You see, my sense of humor is way more mature then it should be. In sixth grade, I would be quoting The Goonies, Christmas Vacation, The Breakfast Club, and no one would get it. Jesus, I don't know how I made it through. I had to move there because my mom's work changed. And living in Utah wasn't the best for me.

Anyways, Renoll was my bud. She was my best friend. When I moved, we kept in touch. We still do! Just its kind of hard because she's in college and her boyfriend. And then there's my boyfriend. God, I'm such a loser.

I'm brought out of my self pitying thoughts when my phone vibrates against the table top, causing me to jump. I slowly go to grab it, expecting Mark. My hands grasps the device and I turn it on, revealing the lock screen to me. I sigh in relief. It's just Calum.

Calum: Bitch!? Where have you been? I'm worried. No text or calls? You okay??

I smile at his choice of words.

Me: yea I'm fine. Just got caught up in something. Readin a new book

I press send and hope my lie convinces him. Once, I didn't contact any of the outside world for a week because I found a new book.  Calum almost called the police because my phone died and I wasn't answering.

Calum: OMF you're alive! Good. I need a cuddle buddy. 5 days without you. I'm going through withdrawals.

Me: don't be so clingy.

Calum: butttt :(

I look down and contemplate on whether I should let him come over or not. My body isn't as sore as it was a few days ago and most of the bruises have cleared up. Eh, why not?

Me: ugh fine. Do you want to come over?

Calum: yay. I'm coming over. Be there in about 10 :p

Me: asshole

He doesn't reply after that. I guess he's to busy getting ready. I chuckle at the thought.


I double over in laughter as Calum continues his story.

"-And then I puked on her!" He starts laughing his ass off too and I can't help but laugh even harder at his laugh. God, he makes me happy. After we settled down, I look back up, whipping tears from my eyes. I see that Calum is already looking at me.

"What?" I slightly chuckle. Our previous laughing fit still taking out its effect on me.

"You're beautiful." He simply states. My breath hitches in my throat. But I play it off.

"As are you, Mr. Hood," I bow at him. He smiles.

"Why thank you, Ms. Tonely." I smile back. "No but seriously, you are beautiful. I'm hoping that Mark is treating you well."

My breathing almost stops. Fuck, does he know? No, he doesn't, why would I think that. I start to panic and look at him. He has a confused look on his face.

"You okay?" I try to relax my breathing and reason with my self that he doesn't know.

"Yeah! Uh, yeah. I'm cool. And Mark and I are good." I nervously blurt out.

"Really? Nothing you want to talk about. Boy drama? I'm here to help. I mean if he hurts you, I will kick his ass." I chuckle at him.

"We're okay. I promise." I say. But in my mind, I'm screaming Help me.

The look in his eyes breaks my heart. It's like just a total sadness took over him. Everything about his appearance just darkened. But that darkness soon lifted and here I was sitting with the same old Calum.

"Cool." He smiles. I smile back and look at the floor. I need to tell him if I want to get out of the imprisonment Mark has me in. I look back at Calum and he radiates happiness. I decide I will tell him later.

I'm startled with a loud bang that fills the room. It sounds like the door just flew op-

"Jade, are all the bruises go-" the dreaded voice stops as he spots Calum. Calum looks at Mark like he just won a competition and Mark is saying he got Beyoncé to fuck him.

"Mark!" Calum exclaims, standing up.

"Calum!" He yells back. He secretly hates Calum. I know that because he repeated it at me as he threw punches at my face after I stayed out later than I should have with him.

They do that bro hug thing and while Mark's head is laid upon Calum's shoulder, he shoots me a death glare. I know I'm not supposed to hang out with people until I get the okay from Mark, and I went and broke his rules. Oops.

They pull away from each other and smile.

"So what about bruises?" Calum questions. He looks at me then back at Mark.

"I- um.." I stutter nervously. I quickly find an excuse.

"Uh, snoozes! He said snoozes! It's a thing we use for, like, sleeping. I told him I was sleeping earlier." I blurt out. Mark rolls his eyes at my lame excuse. I would too if I were him.

"Uh, okay..." Calum says.

"You know what Calum, I think it's time you went home." Mark 'politely' pats his back.

"But, Jade. We're hanging out."

"Yeah!" I yell. I don't want to be alone with Mark again. Mark looks at me and sends daggers.

"But the thing is, me and Jade have some things to talk about." Marks smiles. Calum looks between Mark and me, squinting.

"You know, I'm not a kid. If you guys are going to bang, you can tell me to leave." He chuckles. Jesus, Calum! Of course it would be you to say that! Mark plays along.

"Heheh, yeah. So could you, um.... Go?" He asks. Calum nods and with out a word, leaves. Not before sending me a little salute and wink. But the sadness in his eyes, it's back. My chest tightens.

I hear the door close and Mark immediately looks at me.

"Someone's been a bad girl, haven't they?" He smirks.

And I prepare myself for the worst.

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