Chapter Four

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I'm sorry if this sort of context offends you or brings back things you don't want to remember, I don't know. I apologize in advance, I'm just trying to make good descriptions n shit. Anyways, yeah....

My eyes slowly open, but are forced back closed by the blinding morning sun. I move my arm to rub my forehead. A jolt of pain shoots up through my arm but I ignore it. I haven't opened my eyes yet and I don't want to. I don't want to witness what my body went through last night. He beat me till I passed out then continued on. I know it. I felt it in my dreams.

I can see the bruises now, covering my skin. The porcelain white now disfigured with purples and blues. The colours may be beautiful on regular paper but on a human body, it is a horrid sight. For me, at least. For normal people. Mark thinks it makes me look better, makes me more desirable.

I force my eyes to open and am welcomed by the now moved morning sun. I try to keep my vision forward and not to look down at my body. I don't want to see what he did. My body struggles against the movement of my muscles, straining to work. I get out of bed eventually. I notice that the sheets I was laid upon were bloody. I shudder at the thought that that is my blood. Mark did this to me. 

I shrug the thought away for now and make my way to the bathroom. I know I'll have to face my beaten form sooner or later. I choose later.

The sun shines brightly throughout the room as I open the blinds, enjoying the warmth it brings me. I turn on my heel and my feet softly pad against the hardwood floor toward my bathroom. I open the door and immediately turn the shower on, setting it to a warm temperature. I turn my head upwards as I undress. The action causes me to struggle with getting my clothes off but I succeed and hop into the shower.

I let the water cascade down my achy shoulders and soothe my spine. I think about everything Mark has done to me. The worst he has done is violate me while conscious. That was one of the worst and most painful things I have ever gone through.  I think of the countless bruises he has placed upon me. I think about how much pain I've gone through the because of my fear. My fear of him.

I look up and realize I'm done with his shit. I've been done for a long time. I'm finished with everything. I need to stand up to Mark. I need to tell Calum. This motivation gets me going. I need to tell Calum.

I hurry and shut off the water and jump out of the tub. I wrap a towel around my torso and run out of the bathroom. My phone lies on my nightstand, taunting me. I grasp and unlock it, dialing Cal's number as quickly as I can. It rings. Once. Twice.

"Hello?" I hear.

"Calum!" I slightly yell.

"Jade," he laughs. "Whatchya need?"

"Um, well, how are you?"

"I-I'm doing okay. You good? You sound nervous," he says worryingly. God, he's the best.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay?" It comes out more of a question. Now that I think about it, why did I ever decide to do this? My heart plummets from its motivation run and skips a beat. Now I'm nervous.

"Okay... So....," he's trying to keep conversation.

"Uh, I actually, erm, n-need to tell you something..." I say. I regret this so much, but I need to tell him.

"Okay. What is it?"

"I-erm, w-woke up," I shake my head. "And now I want to talk to you!"

"O-okay," he chuckles. "It's nice to know that I'm your first thought of the day." I can practically hear his smile.

"Yeah.." I'm such an idiot.

"But I know you too well. And we both know that that wasn't what you really wanted to tell me," I gulp.  Goddammit, Cal.

"Mhmm..." I say

"So, you wanna tell me?"

"I.... I... No!" I sigh and hang up. Oh, God, why did I do this. I rethink everything and now know the consequences. Maybe Calum won't care. Maybe Mark will find out and punish me. I slouch down and look at my legs. The purples and blues are shrouded with greens and blacks, too. Tears brim my eyes as I stare at the monstrosities. I hate myself for being a coward. And I hate him. For making me one.

I let it out. I cry my soul. I cry my fears. I cry for help. Why me? I think. Is it because I'm no better? My body collapses into the duvet and I sob. I cry with everything I have. I cry and cry and cry till I can't cry no more.

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