Visiting+ Karai

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You wait ten minutes and hear a knock at your window. You smile and look to see a very happy Leo. You open the window and step aside so he can come in.

"Hey Leo." you say merrily.

"Hey." he says. You close the window and sit at the edge of your bed. He sits on the spiny chair next to it. "What's up?" he asks.

"Meh, nothing much. You?" you reply.

"Well, this is one of the few times I have ever been above ground at day so." he says.

"Like ever?" you ask.

"Yeah. You don't get out much when you're a giant talking turtle." he says.

"Well that sucks." you say, he shrugs.

"Eh. The city is beautiful at night." he says with a soft smile, you return it and nod.

"To be honest I rarely go out at night. I've never really payed attention to the world outside at night." you say. He looks at you like your crazy.

"Why?" he asks.

"Leo, this is New York." you say raising your eyebrow.

"True. Well it's happening tonight." he says.

"Oh?" you say with a smile.

"Yup. You are going to see the city tonight and I am making you." he says. You smile and nod.

"Ok." you say. He smiles.

"What do you want to do?" he asks.

"I don't know. I'm usually at school right now but schools out for another two months." you say.

"What school do you go to?" he asks.

"Roosevelt high." you say.

"Our friend April goes there." he says, you raise an eyebrow and nod

"Hm, I've never really met her but cool." you say.

"What do you do for fun?" he asks.

"Draw, listen to music, sing." you say. He smiles.

"What kind of music?" he asks.

"(Fav music type), usually stuff by (fav artist), sometimes (other music stuff)." you say. "What do you do for fun?" you ask.

"Train, kick evil butt. Watch Space Heros." he says, your eyes widen.

"No way! I LOVE THAT SHOW!" you exclaim he smiles wide and in his head does a happy dance.

"Seriously!?" he asks.

"Well duh, it's only the best show in human history!" you say.

"Right? Finally someone who gets it!" he says you smile and drag him into the living room. You shove him onto the couch and sit down. You turn on the tv and go to the very first episode.

"Time for a Space Heros marathon." you say and press play. You both glue your eyes to the screen and shush each other. You go the whole day watching every episode of Space Heros ever broadcasted on tv. When it's over you sadly turn off the tv and look at Leo with a smile

"Ok, best day ever." he says. You smile brighter and nod.

"Yup." you say. You look at the time and smile.

"It's already 9 o'clock." you say, he grins and grabs your wrist.

"My turn." he mumbles and drags you to your window. He opens it and jumps out, you walk out and he picks you up bridal style.

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