MORE PICTURES! And a lot of blushing

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Leo bangs on the door "Y/N GIVE THOSE BACK!" he shouts and you laugh

"Awe but you looked so cute singing!" you taunt. You can't see it but he blushes madly over that.

"You did not see that one!"

"And Mikey seemed so happy when he put those tighty whiteys on your head!" you giggle evily

"SENSEI! WHY!?" He blushes even worse. You laugh more and let him in knowing he won't be able to find the pictures anyway. He rushes in and looks around frantically, "Where are they!?" he almost demands making you laugh more.

"You'll never find them! Mua ha ha!" you announce.

"Y/n you are evil!"

"Thank you!" you say and take a bow. He can't help but laugh a little.

"I'm scared but what other pictures did you see?" he asks

"You'll never know," you say with a smirk.

"I hate you."

"Nah you love me and you know it." you tease smiling, he chuckles and nods. "Now that we have that established, we can talk about what it was you wanted to say earlier," you offer.

"Oh yeah," he starts playing with his thumbs nervously "I was kinda wondering, if you maybe wanted to, uhm." he mumbles something inaudible and you tilt your head,

"What was that?" you ask

"If you, maybe uh.." you can tell he can't get the words out even if he wanted to so you step in suddenly feeling really confident,

"Leo will you go out with me?" you ask not even aware you said that until the words flew out. His head shoots up and he looks at you confused. Your heart drops as worry that he doesn't feel the same sets in.

"As in, be your boyfriend?" he asks in a quieter voice.

"U-Uh, I mean, I uh, I didn't," you stutter unable to get any words out let alone think of a sentence that would do any good in this situation.

"In that case yes." he says and chuckles nervously rubbing the back of his neck, "That's kinda what I was gonna ask you," he says quietly.

"Wait, seriously!?" you ask and he nods. Once again, without control, you jump up and wrap him in a tight hug smiling big, "Yay!"

He chuckles and hugs back tightly. "You have no idea how happy this makes me," he confesses only making you smile more. You're about to respond when there's a knock on your door. You let go of Leo and open the door to see Mikey.

"OK! So I saw Leo chasing you and I wanted to know why and sensei said you had pictures and I wanna see! Pleeeeaaase?" he begs talking quickly. You laugh a little at his sillyness,

"Sure," you say with a small smirk and let him in, you can hear Leo mumble a quiet "Oh no" as you pull the pictures out of their hiding spot. Mikey sits excitedly on your bed and you hand him the pictures. He laughs as he goes through them.

"I totally forgot! You were so into Jessie J back then!" he announces and laughs even harder. Leo blushes a medium shade of red and you laugh.

"Ok it was only for like two weeks." he says,

"More like two years!" Mikey laughs harder.

"It was not two years Mikey! Give me that," he snatches for the picture but you pull it away,

"Ah ah ah," you shake your finger smirking "These are mine now,"

"You are still evil." he mumbles

"And I still thank you," you laugh.

"Do you have any more pictures??" Mikey asks excitedly,

"No, sadly I don't," you say and he pout while Leo sighs in relief.

"Oh! Do you wanna hear about the time when Le-" Mikey starts but Leo cuts him off

"Ok that's enough for today!"

"But you looked so funny as a clown!" Mikey whines making you laugh hard and Leo blush, "Dude! You're blushing even more than Donnie!" He laughs again,

"Oh lord why do you hate me?" you hear Leo mumble as he face palms. Mikey gasps and shoots up

"I TOTALLY HAVE A PICTURE OF THAT!" He announces and runs out with Leo chasing after him,

"NO!!" He calls out only making you laugh harder. You collapse on your bed laughing so hard you can hardly breath. The image of Leo in clown make up just cracks you up. Mikey runs in with the picture, Leo just behind him.

"I FOUND IT!" he show you the picture and you only laugh harder.

"I can't breath!" you say between gasps for air.

Leo takes that picture and shoves it in his belt. "Oh shell." he mumbles blushing about as red as Raph's mask.

You gasp for air trying to calm down a little but Mikey laughing with you doesn't help at all. For about five minutes you both laugh while Leo stands there with his arms crossed obviously extremely embarrassed.

After you stop your laughing fit and calm down Leo just watches you both thinking of a subject other than pictures so he doesn't get any more embarrassed then he already is.

"Awe, is Weo weally that embawassed?" you tease in a baby voice,

"You guys suck." is all he says. Mikey throws a water balloon and laughs,

"I think he is." he says

"Why'd you have to throw a water balloon!?" he asks grabbing a towel and drying his face off,

"Doctor Prankenstein!" is all Mikey says as he throws a smoke bomb and disappears. You laugh and kiss Leo's cheek,

"But you have to admit. That was really fun," you say still smiling. He blushes lightly and mumbles


Ok so I feel like this chapter sucks but you guys need an update so I'm just gonna go with it. Sorry it wasn't better but I hope you still liked it,
Wright ya later lovelies!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2016 ⏰

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