Chapter 10

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Brie pov

Getting ready to go to work I see Kim. She was looking for something but wasn't even dressed.

"Kim what's the matter hon?

"Have you seen a big book it has some stuff in it and I need it for Uggg....... A project it has some pictures in there that I need to use for.

I know what she Is talking about I almost forgot all about it. I had to come up with something to distract her.

"Have you checked in your bags I'm sure it's in there. If not try the bathroom and when your done come out I have something to give you.  Nodding her head she went back in her room.

Running back in the room I went to look for her book but I couldn't find it.

"Where the hell is it! I said to my self. I swore I had it sitting under my pillow unless! Thinking of who I hurried to look for San e but he wasn't here.

I could literally kick myself right about now. That book has info and I know something is up that I don't know about. One thing I would find odd about is that she never talked to me about it. Was I really not there for her when she was going through that. She is only a kid.

"Brie!!! I heard her tell as I got up from the floor and ran into the front.

"Don't worry about it I'll be late for school but what is it that you wanted.

Thinking of what I wanted to give her the idea came back. Going in my purse I handed her something.

"Don't get caught. You can't get in anymore trouble if you don't wanna be sent to jail. I said as she looked at her weapon all happy.

"I can't use this I don't even know how to shoot. Better yet I can't kill someone if my life depend on it. She said handing me back the gun.

"How are you gonna protect yourself if youngbae.....

"Youngbae can't step foot on school grounds. He has a court order so yeah won't b needing that. But I have to go I'll see you later love you. She gave me a kiss as she took her leave.

Aish I swear I ha that book under there. It would be such a mistake if it got into the wrong hands.

At work

I was working until I saw ji and his friends. They really had balls to show there faces here especially bae. He already know me and him have beef and he still wanna go for it.

"Hey babe can you come see for a second we ready to order. One of them yelled.

"Yes what would you like dip shits.

"Well if it ain't Brie we meet again. Tell me how have your sister been I'm sure she is doing swell living with you.

"Don't talk about her ok now what the fuck do all yall bitch asses want. I said getting frustrated with them.

"Whoa whoa whoa. That's no way to treat costumers. We're just here to eat and also give you a warning.

What is these asses taking about. Fucking weaning to beat there damn asses?

"What kind of damn warning cause look I don't have time for childish games with a bunch of little boys. After all bae I know something about you that I can straight up report to the cops and you can be in prison while me my sister live happily while you rot. Ass face. I said as I whispered in his ear.

His face changed all of a sudden as he looked pissed. This guy here has some problems that he needs to go check.

"We all know that you or her would do that after all I'm the only one that can keep her mouth shut if she doesn't want herself to get hurt.

"Oh really now? Well we will see about that but come near her I wouldn't mind shooting u an ur little friend in the middle. Dirty filthy bastard. Now if you would excuse me I won't be serving you as I have a job to do. But just remember bae be careful I have eyes in the sky. I winked to him as he slammed his fist on the table.

Him and his friends soon left as I was happy of myself. He really thinks I'm scared of him and his friends we will see.

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