Chapter 10

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Scarlett looked up when she heard the door open. I would've, but I got my foot stuck underneath the couch. "What do you want?" She asked coldly, not noticing my condition. I tried to turn around, but that just landed me a sprained ankle. "Is she ok?" I heard someone ask. Scarlett must've noticed my condition, because the couch lifted and I was set free. "Thank--you." I finished, staring Captain America in the eyes. He smiled. "No problem, Victoria." I tensed up, as did Scarlett. "It's Ria, Captain. No Victoria, no Vicki, no Tori, just Ria." Scarlett interfered, pulling me away from him. He looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place where I had seen his face....


"Just what are you two doing here, anyways?" I asked, pulling Ria behind me. "We have a right to be here, considering that we might've put our own @$$€$ on the line to get you here." Ironman replied casually. "Yeah, well maybe I don't care!" I retorted.


I noticed Victoria slipping out from behind an angry Scarlett. Sneaking quietly towards the door, she motioned for me to listen. Once I tried, it was difficult not to.

I heard footsteps.

Quiet footsteps, meaning the person taking them shouldn't be here.

As Scarlett and Tony continued to debate, Victoria grabbed a machine from the bathroom, then put her other hand to the door. "One, two...." She mouthed, then flung the door open, slamming into the guy with a crunch. Grabbing him from outside, she punched him once, and satisfied at her handiwork, started tying him up with the machine's cord. "What the-?" Tony started, before the sound of a gun going off stopped him. Ducking behind one of the beds, we tried to figure something out. "Where are our suits?" Scarlett asked, her face set in a grim line. Her eyes flared with hatred, and a taste of fear. "Why're they so important?" Tony asked as his own folded around him. "You guys get to safety!" I ordered. "Nuh-uh. Don't give us that bull. You need us!" Victoria argued. She had spirit, I had to admit. "Ok, I don't need anyone's--" Tony started, then Victoria pulled a gun out from underneath the bed and pointed it at him. "We're helping. And we don't give a crap what you say. We've got raw power you can't match." Scarlett smirked, and her eyes began to glow green.

Within seconds, two things happened:the door broke down, and two green mini She-Hulks flipped one of the beds up, before machine guns began to fire. I pulled out my shield and flung it, Tony responding with blasts from his hand beams. I noticed Peggys dress lying beside me, and I looked up to Victoria and Scarlett, who were now dressed in black catsuits and normal size again. They must've changed into the suits while we were debating. Victoria pulled out her bow, having retreived it from who-knows where and fired continusly, while Scarlett pulled out a machine gun from a corpse and started firing. "Who is this anyway?" I asked. Tony shrugged and fired again. "I think they're all dead, gentlemen." Scarlett stated seriously. Tony then walked to the hallway, looked both ways, then walked back in. "Yup, they're all dead." Victoria kicked at one of the corpses in disgust. "Who sent them anyways?" I asked again. The girls looked at each other. "My money's on Loki." Scarlett stated, and Victoria nodded. "Loki? Why does he want you?" Tony asked, almost reading my mind. "Well...he probably wants us back." Victoria stated, a grimace across her face. "Wants you back? He had you?" Scarlett sighed, and replied to Tony's question. "Yes. Loki's the one that did this to us. We escaped a few days ago, and now he wants us back. He took us away from our parents when we were babies."

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