Chapter 17

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"Where's Ria?" was really one of the first things I asked when I woke up. Dad sighed.

"She's still there."

"Is she okay?!" I asked panically. Dad got on the earpiece, and left the room. He came back with a sad look in his face.

"What?" I was beyond worried.

"Scarlett, I'm so sorry, but Ria got hit. She's dead." My heart stopped. No, this wasn't happening. She couldn't be. Ria couldn't be dead. I felt tears escape my eyes. Dad brought me into his arms.

"S-she can't be. My little sister can't be dead," I sobbed. He sighed and kissed my head.

"I'm so sorry Scarlett."

*Two Weeks Later*

I stood in front of the grave of my sister. There was a huge funeral. Everyone was there. There wasn't a night I wasn't crying because I lost her. I had moved in with Dad, and even met my mother. But there something inside me that died. I grew up with Ria, and she knew all of my secrets. I loved my parents, but you couldn't make up for the sixteen years that I spent with Ria.

"Everyone's saying they're sorry. Ria I don't know how to respond." I sobbed in front of it.

"I need you. I really do. You can't just leave me like this! I do really love you, so do me a favor, and don't... be dead. I promise I will never complain how you are too goody goody, and I will do anything you want. Just please be alive!" It started to rain, but that was slightly my fault. I heard someone walk up behind me. For a second, I was suspecting to turn around and see her, but it was dad. He wrapped his arms around me. I freely cried into his chest. "I miss her."

"I know, I know. It'll all be okay though." He took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders.

"We need to get going Scarlett." I shook my head. "Scarlett come on." I sighed and followed him out of the cemetery.


I woke up. There was just darkness, but I heard one voice. His voice.

"You really think that I would die that easily?"

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