Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


It was around midnight when I snuck back into the lab. I remembered the phone number and started to track it immediately.

"Hello Miss Stark," JARVIS greeted. I jumped in paranoia.

"Hey JARVIS," I said.

"Working on a secret project miss?"

"Tell dad and I'll override your servers and mess up your speech patterns,"mi threatened.

"Wouldn't dream of it m'am," he said. I smiled as the screen in front of me showed a location.

"Found 'ya," I laughed. I quickly got my black, skintight suit on that I had retired. I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around slowly.

"Where do you think you are going?" Dad asked with a raised eyebrow. He looked to the screen. "Scarlett.."

"I'm going on a milk run," I shrugged. He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right... Come on, what's going on." I looked to the side and then blasted him back on the lowest possible setting. He blasted backwards and was unconscious.

"Sorry daddy," I whispered and then flew upwards. I landed with a thud. I put my suit on stealth, a new feature I added lately. It made me completely invisible. My suit flipped back into the sleek materiel, and I grabbed my bow on my back. I walked past the hideout. It looked like his old one, hell. This time he had different things though. Children. Hundred of children.

I bit down a gasp. He was creating an army. This wasn't going to be good. I saw a woman there. She had short brown hair and was looking at the kids with annoyance. I looked around the room for cameras. I saw only one and shot it. She turned quickly with the sound of shattering glass. I let myself become visible, an arrow pointed straight at her head.

"Where's my sister?" I growled.

"Scarlett, thank god," she sighed. I raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm the woman who talked to you on the phone. Follow me, I will lead you to Victoria," she said.

"It's Ria," I looked her up and down. "What's your name?"

"Marie," she answered. I nodded. I went back to stealth and followed her down the dark corridors and into a room where I saw Ria. She was gaunt and broken. Her mouth was covered and her hands and feet shackled. I turned stealth mode off and ran to her.

"Ria hey it's me," I said quickly. She looked up at me, tears forming in her blue eyes.

"Mmarmmtt," she said something that sounded like my name. I smiled.

"Yeah I'm going to get you out of here." I started to work at her chains, but a shiver went down my spine.

"Hello Scarlett," a British voice said. My eyes widened as I turned to see him. Loki. "Good work Marie. You may go."

Marie nodded and left. That traitorous bitch.

"Now let's see we can do about you," he said with a evil smirk.

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