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GIF of  the "stranger" on the side. If you've checked the recently updated cast , you'll see him as Elliot Granger, played by Nico Mirallegro (one of my most favourite people ever).

It's Too Late – Chapter 7

Joseph Sugg

I stared at Rowena's sleeping face, her body tucked under the bed sheets on my bed. I was seated in my desk chair, contemplating what happened last night. My fists were supporting my head, my elbows propped up on my thighs. She started to stir in her sleep and my breathing stopped momentarily, but when she settled, I sighed in relief.

I don't think I was ready to face this little problem yet.

My phone started blaring obnoxiously loud from my bedside table and I sucked in a breath, walking quietly yet quickly over to the table and picking it up.

"Hello?" I whispered-shouted, biting down on my thumbnail and staring at Rowena's sleeping figure again cautiously.

"What the hell is actually  wrong with you?" Zoë shrieked angrily on the phone, causing me to move the phone away from my ear momentarily.

"Look, Zo, I know I fucked up," I replied, watching dreadfully as Rowena sat up and rubbed at her eyes.

"You didn't just fuck up, you-"

"I have to go, she just woke up. Let me sort this out by myself Zoe," I sighed into the phone, a guilty feeling rising in my stomach when Rowena smiled at me from her position on my bed, the sheets covering everything that isn't usually exposed.

I hung up straight after that, not giving Zoë a chance to reply, before I went over to sit next to Rowena on the bed. Rowena continued to smile at me, before leaning in, puckering her lips to kiss me. I turned my head to the side at the last moment, her lips colliding with my cheek.

She backed away, a confused and hurt expression on her face. I sighed and stared down at my hands, which were fiddling with the rips in my jeans.

"Did I do something wrong?" Rowena muttered, reaching for my hand, but I moved it away.

"No Rowena, the thing is, last night, it was a- it was a mistake," I gulped as I saw her eyes glass over, and she hurried to pick up her discarded clothing from last night.

"Joe I let you take my virginity, I mean I've liked you for a while, and I just, oh my god," Rowena was sobbing now, and I went over to her, holding her wrists to stop her from frantically putting on her clothes.

"Rowena, I'm so sorry, I didn't know- I was so drunk, I wasn't thinking straight. Please, just, wear some of my clothes," I said hurriedly, walking over to my closet and pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a round neck t-shirt.

She nodded and sheepishly slid the clothing on, hiccupping with tears still slowly streaming own her face.

My clothes swallowed her, and I was pretty small, so it really defined how small and thin she was.

I just stared at her for a short while, my eyes gazing over her small figure. She didn't have the cleavage Amanda did, or Amanda's nice thin but curvy figure, or even her nice long hair. She wasn't Amanda, but she was something special.

I pulled her into me after a short while of just staring at her and kissed the crown of her head softly, her thin arms wrapping their way around my waist.

"We'll work something out," I muttered, staring at my bedroom door, worrying about what's to come in the near future.


Amanda Scott

I typed the text message, contemplating whether or not to send it. He was rude to me last night for sure, his crude remarks totally uncalled for. But I really like Joe, and he was beyond drunk last night, which meant he didn't know or was really able to filter what he was saying.

I bit my lip and sent the message, just as another one came up.

stranger ;)


Hey mands, wanna meet up this afternoon? x

not edited.

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