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Nando's Date - Chapter 3

Joseph Sugg

I woke up to the sound of my text message tone. I rolled over in my bed and lazily grasped my phone, ripping it from the charger. I squinted as I turned the screen on, looking at the notification.

Unknown number (1)

I shrugged to myself and slid the screen to unlock it, before typing in my passcode and accessing my phone. I sighed as I tapped my message icon, going into the conversation I've had with this unknown number.

Unknown number
Hey Joe! it's Mandy. call me or text me whenever :)

I smiled slightly and added her as a contact on my phone, typing in her name as "Mands :D".

Hey Mands! Just got ur text. ill call u later today. :)

I put down my phone with a smile on my face. this could be the start of a great friendship or maybe even something more.

Joe you just met her, calm down.

In defeat (knowing I couldn't go back to sleep), I got out of bed wearing just my boxers.

I walked out of my bedroom and into the corridor, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I ended up in the kitchen, where I took out my cereal and a bowl and got my breakfast ready.

"Finally Joe, you're awake."

I turned around and pouted at Caspar Lee, my roommate.

"Sorry! it's not a crime to sleep in for once." I argued back, taking another mouthful of my cereal.

"It is when you have work in half an hour."

I nearly spit out my food.

I cursed under my breath and pushed the dining table chair back with the backs of my knees, before jogging into my bedroom again.

"Thanks Casp!" I shouted from my room, before throwing on my thatching clothes.

Amanda Scott

I waiting nearly all day for Joe to call me. I guess you could say I had a tiny crush on him, almost like when you see a cute guy in the mall and you have this little attraction to him.

I sighed and put down my phone, deciding not to stress myself out over it. He'll call me when he pleases.

"You ready Amanda?"

A very tired Rowena walked into my bedroom, holding a plastic bag of chocolate bars in her right hand and her brown leather handbag slung over her left shoulder.

I nodded and followed her out of the apartment, grabbing my phone again before we venture out of my room.

An awkward elevator ride later, we were in the parking lot, squeezing through cars to Rowena's mini.

We both got in and Rowena started the car.

The car ride was mainly silent, besides the radio that was turned up slightly.

"Did Joe talk about me?"

Her question caught me off guard, as I saw a slight blush on her cheeks. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Yeah, we told me you and Zoë were best friends but had a fallout three years back. he also apologised for kinda bringing up Aunty Janice." I clarified, looking over at her.

"Oh so, nothing else?" she asked me, a small frown on her chapped lips.

"Yeah, that was it." I said, nodding my head and staring out the window.

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