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Ice Skating with Elliot - Chapter 8 

Amanda Scott

"Hey Elliot," I smiled over at the boy with brown hair before me, who was chewing on his bottom lip carefully.

He looked so undeniably good, but I still had Joe in the back of my mind, even though he hadn't replied to my text yet.

"Hey girl," he replied, his lips brushing over my cheek as he took my hand in his loosely.

"Where are we off to?" I asked him, swinging our hands back and forth as we strolled down the sidewalk.

"Nowhere special, I was thinking we could go do some ice skating," Elliot laughed as he saw my eyes widen.

"Ice skating? Oh no no, I've never been before," I breathed out, laughing nervously.

"Well lucky for you, in high school, I was on the hockey team," Elliot winked at me as we got to his car, which was parked down the street from Rowena's apartment.

Rowena hadn't come home last night or the night after that, which I was grateful for, because I really didn't want to see her. But I had a gut feeling she was spending these last few days with Joe, and that gut feeling really sucked.

"Oh really? I never picked you as the hockey type," I stated, shrugging my shoulders as he smoothly opened the passenger's side door for me.

I smiled gratefully at him as he shut it and came around the other side, sliding in and immediately sliding the key into the ignition, turning on the heat.

"Well, being on the hockey team was my only way of talking to girls," he teased, pulling out from his parallel parking spot and onto the semi-busy road.

"Your only way? Come on, you're hella cute," I stated, blushing as he sent me a cheeky smirk.

"Well, why don't you tell me about your high school life," Elliot asked, his eyes fixated on the road as he placed a hand on my knee.

"Eh, there's nothing really to talk about, I had like three friends and I wasn't in any clubs or sporting teams, I liked to keep to myself," I said, shrugging my shoulders as his hand started rubbing my knee.

"Any boyfriends?" he asked as he turned the corner, the ice arena coming into view.

"Two," I nodded my head as I thought, "Both total wastes of time," I giggled as Elliot chucked, pulling into the parking lot of the ice arena.

"Here we are," he said overly enthusiastically, making me giggle.

He got out of the car, opening the backseat's door and grabbing two black puffer jackets. I got out shortly after, walking around the car to be at his side.

"Let the fun begin."

Elliot turned to me and held out one of the puffer jackets, indicating for me to put my arms through the armholes. I did so and snuggled into his jacket, which happened to smell just like him.

And he smelt amazing.

He slid the other one on and took my hand, pulling me through the parking lot and to the front doors of the arena. I held his hand tightly as he payed for our entry and pulled me towards the ice-skates hire.

"So what size are you?" Elliot asked, as we made our way to stand in front of the teenager standing behind the desk.

"Mm, a size 38," I said, and Elliot nodded, getting a pair of skates for himself and me.

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