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Like all good things they come to an end. Or so Sydney Parker thought. This is the girl who had the picture perfect family. The hardworking dad, the cheerleader mom, the elder loving brother, the other discpline brother, and then herself. That was before her parents got a divorce, her eldest brother joined the military, and the other brother? He was hit by a drunk driver. And little ol' Sydney? She was lonely, damaged, and was lost. See? All good things come to an end.

All good things come to an end. After her father moved to New York City with the affairest (i'm sure you'll figure it out) and both her brothers gone Sydney packed up her bags and left for Los Angeles with her best friends...One pregnant. The other a gay blogger. What a trio.

 Fast Forward Two Years

Twenty old Sydney Parker had it all, and lost it all. She's damaged, but living in Los Angeles taught her something. Her best friends were the family she did not have anymore. She doesn't talk to her dad, he was the one that had the affair. Made her mom go into depression.

The twenty year old lives in a house with her two best friends and her best friend's children. Hope; twenty, beautiful, model part-time, student part-time, mommy full-time. Rarely contacts her parents since they kicked her out of the house because she was pregnant. DAMAGED. Collin; twenty-one, professional blogger, gay, and thinks everything is a camera moment...Explaining the mess of photos on every wall in the house. After coming out of the closet about being gay his parents accepted it, a little, and once Collin graduated was kicked out because of being 'gay'. Has his own problems, but like the rest...DAMAGED. The twins. Breanna Rae and Hannah Ann. Short-story. Hope got pregnant after a one-night stand with the quarterback of the high school team and out popped two beautiful twin girls. Not damaged yet.

Here Sydney feels safe, everything before this new life in LA might be damaged but here she made barriers and made everything work. She has a job at The Voice headquarters as a vocal and dancing coach while getting a degree in music online. Babysits the beautiful twins with Collin while Hope is off. She was care-free, she already lost so much, what was left to loose?

This is the typical boy meets girl love story. But this one is about a heartbroken singer and a damaged girl.

All good things come to an end, but maybe not.

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