Chapter Three

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This Might Not Be So Bad

Sydney's POV

       Turns out I actually had a good group and Niall was not all 'I'm Famous and that's that' in my face which was pretty relaxing. I acted myself around him, which I guess maybe surprised him, but I mean...I do not take crap from anybody, i've had that happened before when I actually cared, back before, but now that I'm damaged I could care less. Okay an understatement, I still care, but not as much as I use to.

        "Sydney? SYDNEY!" a voice yelled as I shook myself out of my daydream and looked up to see everybody staring at me.

Aca-awkward, I thought as I smoothed my hair and smiled, "Yes?" I asked as Aly rolled her eyes.

"Did you even hear what I asked?" she asked as I pretended to think about it then shook my head.

"Not at all," I told her as she sighed.

"I was telling you what Niall had just said since you looked like you zoned out..." Aly said trailing off, "I mean this is what your fourth time in the last hour?" she asked.

"This hour? No, I think this day or whatever, hey Niall will you please repeat what you asked about?" I asked smiling at the Irish boy, man, whatever.

"Sure, I was just saying I think we should practice as a group for the first part and the end part of each day after the meetings in the morning. Then between those hours divide the rest of the time in three so each person can work specifically with me," Niall said as I shrugged.

"I don't care, and what does the other two do during that time?" I asked.

"Well, they would be working with you, you could teach them how to dance, how to sing better, I don't know. How old are you?" he asked looking at me.

"Twenty," I said as he stared at me before running a hand through his hair.

"Do you have a background in music?" he asked as I blinked at him a couple times before nodding slowly, not slowly but very slowly.

"My mom use to sing in a band and is a music teacher at the school she works at. My dad owns a record place thing-ma-gig or whatever, record dealer, I have no idea. But that is what he does. I also have been singing since I was able to sing and I am in college to get a degree in music and dancing," I told him.

"So you dance too?" he asked surprised.

"Psh, she can do more than dance," Aly said as MJ nodded in agreement as Tanner shrugged, wow what a gentlemen.

"I've danced everything, I use to be a dancer, I don't do it anymore," I said as Niall nodded slowly before asking the question everybody asked after hearing I stopped dancing.

"Why?" he asked, "I mean quit dancing," he added.

Everytime I heard that question I could never stop my mouth from dropping a little and my heart beat a little faster. This was when I dropped the bomb on how damaged I was, but no, I lied. Well not lied but still it felt like a lie, felt like I was keeping a secret...Which I was.

"Oh, I didn't want to do it anymore, after thirteen years it kind of gets old," I said quietly as he nodded.

Whew, there, I thought as I messed with my hair and sighed.

          A knock came from the door to the room and I leaned into the blue couch I was laying on. Not my fault I liked hogging the couch; everybody else could have the loveseat, the other couch, and etc.

"Come in," Niall said as I groaned and waved my hands at him.

"It could be a burglar or something!" I hissed as he rolled his eyes.

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