Chapter Four

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This Dream


                "I can't believe you did this!" my mother screamed as I walked into the house.

"Chill mom I was just walking in," I said laughing shaking the rain from my hair.

"Not you Sydney! Your father! Do you want to tell your children what you did or do you want me to?" my mom asked my father as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm just tired of all of this!" he yelled at my mom as I stepped back a little confused, what was going on?

"Um, what is going on?" I asked as both heads turned to look at me.

"Nothing! Go to your room!" my father yelled at me.

"I didn't do anything!" I said as my father glared at me.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM!" he yelled as my mother started yelling at him.

So confused I backed up until I hit the door and opened it then ran out, I didn't want to be in a yelled-filled house, no way.

         I ran down the street getting soaked by the second until I saw a familiar car and sighed in relief. Everything was going to be better since Michael was home, everybody loved Michael and you couldn't yell around him. It was like a law. I looked up just in time to see a SUV swerve through a stop sign and right at my brother. I yelled but it was too late. I watched the collison and I watched my brother get thrown through his window and started screaming.

Sydney's POV

          I woke up to somebody yelling my name and when I finally sat up panting out of breath I saw Collin and Hope both there.

"I-I. I'm so sorry," I cried tears falling down my face.

The apology wasn't to them though and they both knew this. Hope sat next to me and hugged me tightly as Collin sat on my other side and put an arm around my shoulders.

"Shh," Hope said as I tried to stop crying but it was so hard!

I hated having that dream! The memory. Reliving that horrible night, I had nightmares and I usually only had it once a month. This was the fifth time this month!

"I-I can't do this," I hiccuped as Collin rubbed my back.

"Yes you can, we're here," Hope said as the tears poured harder.

"I don't want to go to work," I said as she nodded and sighed.

"I'll call in for you," Collin offered as I shook my head.

"I have to go to work, I need the money and no, I can't skip," I said as they nodded as I looked at the time...It was three a.m. "Oh shit guys, you can go back to bed, sorry I woke you up," I said as both shook their heads.

"It is nothing, i'm going to sleep since I have to leave at six though, Collin you still have the girls for tomorrow right?" Hope asked the guy who was about to fall asleep on my bed.

"Psh, ya, I got those little devils. I mean angels," Collin said standing up before patting my head then walked away.

"I don't know how I can trust the girls' lives in his hands but somehow I do," Hope muttered before smiling at me and asking the big question. "Are you okay for real?" she asked.

"Ya, it was just the same dream as always, i'm over it," I told her as she nodded unsurely before sighing.

She hugged me then stood up and walked away, seconds later I heard her bedroom door shut.

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