Chapter One

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This Life of Mine

Sydney's POV

        I woke up to giggling and then two little bodies sitting on me.

"Auntie Sydney! Wake up!" two adorable little voices yelled in my ears, well...Well, that wasn't adorable.

"I'm up," I groaned leaning into my pillow as I heard adorable little laughing, see that was adorable.

"GET UP!!!!" two new voices came and I uncovered myself to find my best friend Hope smiling along with my other best friend Collin smiling at me holding a camera.

"AH! NO CAMERAS!" I yelled hiding under my comforter but somehow fell off the bed onto the floor.

"My butt!" I cried as I saw Hope's girls smiling at each other before falling ontop of me.

Did I call them adorable? Because they are definitely not adorable, more like devils. Adorable devils?

"AUNTIE SYDNEY!" they yelled in unison and hugged me.

"Alright come on girls, we have to go," Hope said picking up both girls skillfully and waving at me before heading out the door.

"Have a good photoshoot!" I yelled after her before picking myself off the floor and looking at a laughing Collin. "Go make me breakfast," I told him as he laughed.

"No! Make me some breakfast!" he yelled as I sighed, same old Collin.

"I can't! OHMYGOSH! It is nine-fifty! I have to go!" I said pushing him out the door before locking the door and running to my bathroom.

Expertly I took a shower in less than five minutes, making sure everything was smooth and smelt good. Then I dried off and threw on patterned shorts, a black bandeau tops under a skeleton tank which had a white vest over that with a white scarf that had gold boxes over it. I slipped into ballernia slippers and pulled my hair into a messy bun before grabbing my bucket bag and hurried out of my room.

"Where ya going?" Collin yelled at me as I passed him.

"To work! See you later!" I yelled at him as I ran to my Jeep Compass and yawned before turning the key.

I hit the radio station and hurriedly pulled out of my drive and headed to the freeway. I did not want to be late to work.

         "You belong with meee!" I sang as I pulled into my parking spot and grabbed my lanyard slipping it on as I exited the car.

"Good morning Sydney," Marcus the security gaurd told me as I entered the building.

"Morning Marcus!" I told him as I checked in and headed to Starbucks so I could get something to eat.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing something productive?" Chance a gay assistant for Shakira asked me as I ordered a large Caramel Macchiato.

In my own defense on the drink, I could drink this drink anywhere, in 100 degree weather and still be fine.

"In five minutes Chance," I said as Becky, the barista, smiled at me.

"Ya Chance, leave her alone," she said as I smiled at her as Chance shook his head.

"I was just warning her!" he said in his own defense as Becky set my drink in front of me.

"Thank you for the warning Chance, but let me tell you, I got this," I said as he shook his head.

As I headed to the dance room I heard him call to me, "What are you wearing?"

Turning I glared at him, "Don't judge my style!" I said as he laughed and I disappeared into the dance room.

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